CNMI-Based Nonprofits Responding to Typhoon Yutu

Release Date Release Number
Release Date:
February 4, 2018
Yutu Relief Services & Resources Micronesian Legal Services 234-6243/7729 For disaster survivors in need of legal services. Mon to Thur 8 am—12 pm, 1 pm—5 pm Fri 1 pm—5 pm  Karidat Social Services 234-6981 Distributing relief supplies and donated goods, food pantry and clothing when available. Casework for those with unmet needs. Karidat encourages you to call and make an appointment. Mon to Fri 8 am—5 pm  Empty Vessel 235-2340 Providing clothing and bedding (blankets, bed-sheets, and pillowcases) when available. Tues to Fri 10 am—3 pm  Salvation Army 483-1006 Assisting survivors with meals and donated clothing when available. Can accept and distribute donations from Gualo Rai and Capitol Hill locations. Meals served and donated canned food distribution (when available) hours:
Wed to Sat 11 am to 1 pm — Gualo Rai  Lions Club International Saipan 235-1096Distributing donated items, as available.  Lady Diann Torres Foundation 483-5565 Distributing donated essential goods as available: clothing, bedding, hygiene kits, toiletries, shoes, etc. Mon to Fri 8 am —5 pm  C.O.R.E. Community Outreach Recovery Effort 783-4035 Free home visits for disaster-related medical needs. Distribution of donated goods, as available.  Saipan Mayor’s Office 234-6208 Continuing debris removal program: fallen trees, wood, green waste, and tin. Please ensure debris is at the street (off private property) for pick-up. Sort into three piles, not including household waste. The Mayor’s signature is available for SBA applications. Office hours Mon to Fri 7:30 am — 4:30 pm. Debris removal now available 7 days per week.  Micronesia Islands Nature Alliance 233-7333 Assisting those with access and functional needs, and man’amko/elderly survivors with collection and removal of white goods. Please report ANY tin in lagoons or onshore to MINA for collection and moving debris from private property to the street for pick-up. Mon to Fri 9 am — 4 pm  Center for Living Independently 322-4303/04 Free home visits and case management/other referrals for registered consumers with access and functional needs. Mon to Fri 7:30 am — 4:30 pm  Tinian Health Center 433-9233/9263 Assisting those with medical equipment replacement needs: Issuance of prescription certification to submit to FEMA for medical (assistance) claim. 24-hour call center and emergency room services. Regular clinic hours Mon to Fri 7:30 am — 4:30 pm, except holidays  Community Guidance Center Crisis Counseling Hotline: 286-0227 CGC offers extended crisis counseling services. Crisis Counseling Program does free house-to-house check-ins to provide support, resources, and coping skills for residents of Saipan and Tinian. Mon to Fri 7:30 am — 4:30 pm  Disaster Distress Helpline 1-800-985-5990 SAMHSA’s toll-free 24/7 365-day-a-year crisis counseling and support to people experiencing emotional distress related to disasters. Callers can connect with counselors in 30 languages via 3rd-party interpretation services, simply indicate your preferred language to the counselor. Text in English: TalkWithUS to 1-212-461-4635.  COTA—Commonwealth Office of Transit Authority 664-2690 Back to regular fares, schedule, and service. $5 regular fare, $3 discounted fare to eligible applicants and children 5-11 accompanied by an adult. Mon to Fri 6:30 am — 7 pm Saturdays 6:30 am — 4 pm  NMHC—Northern Marianas Housing Corporation 234-7689/6866 Providing list of potential housing vacancies for non-clients.  NMHC Tinian: 433-9213  Soroptimist International 287-4674 Accepting and distributing donated goods — as available. Mon to Fri 12 pm — 4 pm  


This document was prepared by the CNMI Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (CNMI VOAD) and Marianas Alliance of Non-Governmental Organizations (MANGO). While there may be more nonprofits responding to Typhoon Yutu, this is our most updated list as of 11/6/18. If you are a CNMI-based nonprofit responding to Typhoon Yutu and you are not on this list or need to update information, please email .

We are providing the following links to third party sites for your reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.

Last updated