Maryland Hazus-Multi Hazard Flood Study

MARYLAND – The Hazus Multi-Hazard (Hazus-MH) flood model is being used by the State of Maryland as part of a comprehensive vulnerability assessment of the state’s built environment to riverine and coastal flooding. The Eastern Shore Regional GIS Cooperative (ESRGC) at Salisbury University is taking the lead in the study, which measures four determinants of potential flood loss:

  • Amount of county land area susceptible to a 100-year flood
  • Amount of square footage of buildings potentially damaged
  • Number of buildings potentially damaged
  • Amount of direct economic losses directly related to buildings

The product of this study is a report, An Assessment of Maryland’s Vulnerability to Flood Damage (August, 2005) that incorporates Hazus-MH analyses and GIS maps into key sections of the report.

  • Part 1: History of Flooding
  • Part 2: Floodplain Development (Hazus-MH was used to quantify and show distribution of buildings and population in floodplains)
  • Part 3: Modeled Flood Vulnerability Estimates (Hazus-MH was used to depict flood scenarios and damage estimates)
  • Part 4: Mitigation Strategies
  • Part 5: Flood Mitigation Projects
  • Part 6: Funding Mitigation
  • Part 7: Recommendations

Appendices provide detailed Hazus-MH flood vulnerability analysis for each county in Maryland.

Maryland’s study provides a useful framework for a statewide flood vulnerability analysis that can be adapted by other states. The study establishes baseline data that can be used to measure and monitor trends in exposure of the built environment to flooding.


An Assessment of Maryland’s Vulnerability to Flood Damage :'s%20Vulnerability%20to%20Flooding.pdf


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