
Generators are emergency equipment that provide a secondary source of power. Generators and related equipment (e.g., hook-ups) are eligible under the HMGP and PDM provided that they are cost-effective, contribute to a long-term solution to the problem they are intended to address, and meet other program eligibility criteria, which include the following:

  • PDM Program: Generators and/or related equipment purchases (e.g., generator hook-ups) are eligible when the generator directly relates to the hazards being mitigated and is part of a larger project.'
  • HMGP: A permanently installed generator that is a stand-alone project can be considered under regular HMGP funding if the generator protects a critical facility. Critical facilities may include police and fire stations, hospitals, and water and sewer treatment facilities. A generator that is a component of a larger project (e.g., elevation of a lift station) can also be funded under regular HMGP funding and the use of aggregation is permitted. Portable generators are eligible provided that they meet all HMGP requirements as described in 44 C.F.R. § 206.434. Stand-alone generator projects that cannot be determined cost-effective via standard HMA benefit-cost methodology may be eligible under the 5 Percent Initiative. See Part IX, A.10 for additional information about the 5 Percent Initiative.