Hazus User Release Notes and Factsheets

This page provides user-facing release notes from Hazus releases and service packs, as well as various Hazus Factsheets on tools and updates. The purpose of the release notes is to describe the functional changes and known issues found in any releases and associated data updates.

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Hazus 7.0 Release Notes

This document provides a detailed description of enhancements, known limitations, and new functionality in Hazus 7.0, now available in ArcGIS Pro. This release currently supports hurricane and flood analysis only, with a modernized user interface and improved workflows designed to make natural hazard risk assessment more accessible. Download the release notes for a complete overview of updates in Hazus 7.0.

Hazus 6.1 Release Notes

This document provides a detailed description of enhancements, known limitations, and new functionality addressed in this release of Hazus risk analysis software.

Factsheet: Informing Earthquake Risk with FEMA P-366

This document provides an overview of the FEMA P-366 Report on Hazus Estimated Annualized Earthquake Losses for the United States and how it can be applied.

Factsheet: Hazus Hurricane Hazard Import Tool (HHIT)

This document provides an overview of HHIT, an open-source tool that allows Hazus users to quickly search, download, and prepare publicly available hurricane hazard data from HURREVAC for import into a Hazus Hurricane Study Region.

Hazus Inventory National Database Data Dictionary (May 2023)

This document accompanies the Hazus Inventory National Database and provides background reference data to support the database.

Hazus Inventory National Database Fact Sheet (May 2023)

This document provides information about the Hazus Inventory National Database, created to make Hazus inventory data available outside of Hazus.

Hazus 6.0 Release Notes

This document provides a detailed description of enhancements, defects, and new functionality addressed in this release of Hazus risk analysis software.

Factsheet: Hazus 6.0 Data Updates

Hazus baseline datasets were updated significantly with the Hazus 6.0 release. Use this document to review the Hazus inventory and hazard data updates and explore how they influence Hazus results.

Factsheet: Hazus Flood Assessment Structure Tool (FAST)

This document provides a quick overview of FAST, an open source tool from FEMA's Hazus Program that rapidly analyzes structure-level flood risk.

Factsheet: Hazus Flood Hazard Import Tool (FHIT)

This document provides an overview of FHIT, an open source tool that allows Hazus users to rapidly access and incorporate publicly available flood hazard data from ADCIRC, and eventually other sources, into a Hazus flood analysis.

Factsheet: FEMA Hazus Export Tool

This document provides an overview of the Hazus Export Tool, an open source tool designed for a quick and easy extraction of Hazus results into readily usable data formats. This aids in visualizing risk assessment results to support risk communication and a deeper analysis.

Factsheet: Hazus Loss Library

This document provides an overview of the new Hazus Loss Library, an online collection where planners and emergency managers can search, view, and download authoritative risk information generated using Hazus

Hazus 5.1 Release Notes

This document provides a detailed description of enhancements, defects, and new functionality addressed in this release of Hazus risk analysis software.

Factsheet: Hazus Hurricane Modeling in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands

This document provides an overview of the updates made in FEMA's Hazus Hurricane-Wind Model for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Factsheet: Hazus for Hurricane Modeling

This document provides an overview of FEMA's Hazus Hurricane-Wind Model, including how it works, data inputs, and uses in the emergency management community.

Hazus 5.0 Release Notes

This document provides a detailed description of enhancements, defects, and new functionality addressed in this release of Hazus risk analysis software."

Factsheet: What is Hazus

This document provides an overview of FEMA's Hazus, including how it works, data inputs, and uses in the emergency management community.

Hazus 4.2 (SP3) Release Notes

This document provides a detailed description of enhancements, defects, and new functionality addressed in this release of Hazus risk analysis software.

Factsheet: Nationwide Inventory Data Update

This document provides a quick overview of new risk assessment data for the U.S. Territories and nationwide infrastructure, updated November 2019.

Methodology: HIFLD Data Update

This document provides a detailed methodology of the data updates made to the statewide inventory databases in Hazus, based on HIFLD Open data.

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