The Next Generation Warning System Grant Program (NGWSGP) will support investments that improve the resilience and security of public broadcasting networks and systems.
The grant will:
- Enable public television broadcasters to upgrade to the Advanced Television Systems Committee broadcast standard (ATSC 3.0).
- Enable public radio stations to upgrade to digital capabilities to enable broadcast of IPAWS alerts.
- Enable the capability to alert, warn and provide equivalent information to individuals with disabilities, individuals with access and functional needs, and individuals with limited-English proficiency.
- Enable alerts and warnings on the basis of geographic location as well as those projects that improve the ability of remote rural areas to receive alerts and warnings.

IPAWS is FEMA's national system for local alerting that provides authenticated emergency and life-saving information to the public.

Eligible applicants must submit their initial application at least seven days prior to the final application submission through the Grants Portal.

Find answers to frequently asked questions about Next Generation Warning System Grant Program.
Annual Funding Totals
FY 2024
Total funding available: $40 million
FY 2023
Total funding available: $56 million
FY 2022
Total funding available: $40 million
NOFOs and Ancillary Documents
Fiscal Year 2024
The FY 2024 Notice of Funding Opportunity is available below, as well as on