Search below for Continuity documents, or view a list of authorities and references, such as Federal Continuity Directives.
Continuity Policy, Doctrine and Guidance
Federal Continuity Directive: Continuity Planning Framework for the Federal Executive Branch
This document establishes a continuity planning framework to assist organizations when considering risk to their essential functions as they create and maintain a viable continuity program. This Framework is the first in a series of Federal Continuity Directives that build upon each other to provide direction and guidance for the Federal Executive Branch.
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Federal Executive Branch Continuity Program Management Requirements
This FCD provides direction and establishes the minimum number of requirements for organizations to build and maintain a viable continuity program and increase the resilience of the U.S. Government.
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Federal Executive Branch Essential Functions Risk Identification and Management
This FCD directs the implementation of a risk-based approach to continuity of government (COG) and outlines key concepts and methodologies for threat and hazard impact mitigation. This includes processes for identifying essential functions and supporting activities; accounting for the resources and processes needed to perform them; identifying vulnerabilities and resultant essential function risks; and implementing risk mitigation strategies.
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Continuity and Reconstitution Planning Synchronization Fact Sheet
A viable continuity program includes synchronizing the reconstitution team with continuity staff. Coordination between the two teams is critical to ensure both continuity and reconstitution activities occur seamlessly after a catastrophic incident. This document provides reconstitution and continuity staff with a high-level view of the importance of synchronization in continuity and reconstitution planning.
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Reconstitution Manager’s Guide
The guide is designed to consolidate information relevant to reconstitution planning from federal directives, policies, training programs, and best practices into a single reference guide for reconstitution managers and team members. The guide provides reconstitution staff at federal departments and agencies with program management resources to assist in their planning efforts to meet these policy requirements.
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Guía para la Continuidad del Gobierno
La “Guía para la Continuidad del Gobierno para Gobiernos Estatales, Locales, Tribales y Territoriales” describe la relación entre la continuidad de operaciones, continuidad del gobierno y el gobierno constitucional duradero. Este documento ofrece una guía sobre los factores de planificación para ayudar gobiernos no federales a lograr una capacidad viable de continuidad para garantizar la resiliencia y preservación del gobierno en caso de una emergencia.
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Guide to Continuity of Government for State, Local, Tribal and Territorial Governments
The “Guide to Continuity of Government for State, Local, Tribal and Territorial Governments” describes the relationship between continuity of operations, continuity of government, and enduring constitutional government. The document provides guidance in the form of planning factors to assist non-federal governments achieve viable continuity capability to ensure the resilience and preservation of government in the event of an emergency.
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Executive Branch Reconstitution Concept of Operations
This Concept of Operations (CONOP) outlines the approach to reconstituting the executive branch following the occurrence of a continuity event. It defines the roles and responsibilities of the executive departments and agencies (D/As), including the key assistance roles played by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the General Services Administration (GSA), the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
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FEMA National Continuity Programs - Guide to Continuity Program Management
The “Guide to Continuity Program Management” expands on continuity program management guidance found in the Continuity Guidance Circular and Federal Continuity Directives 1 and 2. This guide provides guidance and templates to assist continuity program managers and planners to develop a multi-year strategic plan, project plans and a multi-year test, training and exercise calendar.
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Business Process Analysis and Business Impact Analysis User Guide
This document explores BPA (Business Process Analysis), a systematic process that identifies and documents the activities and tasks that are performed within an organization, and BIA (Business Impact Analysis), which provides a method of identifying and evaluating the effects of various threats and hazards and the impact they may have on the ability of an organization to perform essential functions.
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Continuity Assessment Tool
The purpose of a continuity plan and program is to ensure that an organization can perform its essential functions and provide critical services no matter the threat or hazard faced.
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Continuity Risk Toolkit
The Continuity Risk Toolkit provides general information on risk and techniques that may be used to perform risk analysis. It serves as a continuity resource for stakeholders by providing reference material, information, and guidance intended to further develop and refine risk identification and determine the potential for all-hazard risks to affect the performance of essential functions and essential supporting activities (ESAs). It supports Federal Continuity Directives (FCDs) 1 and 2, which implement the requirements Presidential Policy Directive 40 (PPD-40), National Continuity Policy, and provide guidance to executive branch departments and agencies (D/As) on validation of Mission Essential Functions (MEFs) and Primary Mission Essential Functions (PMEFs). A risk-based approach to business analysis informs decisions that sustain MEFs and PMEFs during all phases of a catastrophic emergency.
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