DR-4634-CO-Initial Public Notice
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The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) hereby gives notice to the public of its intent to reimburse eligible applicants for eligible costs to repair and/or replace facilities damaged by Wildfires and Straight-line Winds during the incident period of Dec 30, 2021 and continuing. This notice applies to Public Assistance (PA), Individual Assistance (IA), and Hazard Mitigation Grant Programs (HMGP) implemented under the authority of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. § 5121-5207.
Under a major disaster declaration (FEMA-4634-DR-CO) incident beginning December 30, 2021, signed by the President on December 31, 2021, FEMA is authorized to identify, mobilize, and provide at its discretion, equipment, and resources necessary to alleviate the impacts of the disaster. For a period of 30 days from the start of the incident period, FEMA is authorized to provide federal funding for debris removal and emergency protective measures (Categories A and B) including direct federal assistance, at 75 percent of the total eligible costs. Boulder County is authorized for PA Category B (emergency protective measures) and Category A (debris removal) assistance. Additional counties may be designated at a later date. All counties in the State of Colorado are eligible for HMGP under FEMA-4634-DR-CO.
Under FEMA-4634-DR-CO the following county has been designated eligible for IA: Boulder. Additional counties may be designated at a later date.
Presidential Executive Orders 11988 and 11990 require that all federal actions in or affecting the floodplain or wetlands be reviewed for opportunities to relocate, and be evaluated for social, economic, historical, environmental, legal and safety considerations. Where there is no opportunity to relocate, FEMA is required to undertake a detailed review to determine what measures can be taken to minimize future damages. The public is invited to participate in the process of identifying alternatives and analyzing their impacts through this notification.
For routine activities, this will be the only public notice provided. Other activities and those involving facilities that do not meet the four criteria are required to undergo more detailed review, including study of alternate locations. Subsequent public notices regarding such projects will be published if necessary, as more specific information becomes available.
Presidential Executive Order 12898, Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations, directs each federal agency to avoid disproportionate and high adverse human health or environmental effects to low-income and minority populations. FEMA aims to identify low income and minority communities at the onset of a declared event to gain better understanding of how response and recovery efforts, including mitigation may impact such groups and communities. Additionally, once low income and minority communities have been identified, FEMA aims to minimize any potential adverse impacts to those communities through encouraging alternative selection of response and recovery actions including HMGP projects.
FEMA also intends to provide HMGP funding to the State of Colorado to mitigate future disaster damages. These projects may include construction of new facilities, modification of existing facilities, undamaged facilities, relocation of facilities out of floodplains, demolition of structures, or other types of projects to mitigate future disaster damages. In the course of developing project proposals, subsequent public notices will be published, if necessary, as more specific information becomes available.
The National Historic Preservation Act requires federal agencies to take into account the effects of their undertakings on historic properties. Those actions or activities affecting buildings, structures, districts or objects 50 years or older or that affect archaeological sites or undisturbed ground will require further review to determine if the property is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (Register). If the property is determined to be eligible for the Register, and FEMA’s undertaking will adversely affect it, FEMA will provide additional public notices. For historic properties not adversely affected by FEMA’s undertaking, this will be the only public notice.
Interested persons may obtain information about these actions or a specific project by writing to the Federal Emergency Management Agency - Region VIII EHP Office, Denver Federal Center, Box 25267, Denver, Colorado 80225-0267, or by email at FEMA-R8EHP@fema.dhs.gov. Please include in the subject line of the email “DR- 4634 -CO EHAD.” Comments should be sent in writing at the above addresses within 30 days of the date of this notice.