DR-4353-CA Public Notice 007

Notice Date

FINAL PUBLIC NOTICE: City of Folsom – Defensible Space and Vegetation Management, Sacramento County, California | HMGP-4353-002-029

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide federal financial assistance under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program to the City of Folsom in Sacramento County, California, to create defensible space on City-owned properties. The proposed action would reduce wildfire hazards by removing hazardous fuels in City-owned open space adjacent to residential care facilities, public schools, acute care hospitals, public safety and government facilities, a prison, and multiple apartment structures for seniors. Pursuant to Executive Order 11988 (Floodplain Management) and Executive Order 11990 (Wetlands Management) and FEMA’s implementing regulations at Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 9, FEMA hereby provides interested parties with a notice of its final decision and an explanation of the alternatives that were considered.

The purpose of the proposed action is to reduce wildfire hazards. The proposed action would create defensible space on city-owned land adjacent to at-risk structures by thinning and limbing trees and bushes, removing or chipping dead or downed trees, and removing invasive species such as blackberry.   

The project area is in the 100-year floodplain as depicted on the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Numbers 06067C0108H, 06067C0116H, 06067C0117H, 06067C0140H, 06067C0119H, and 06067C0118H, effective date August 16, 2012. The FIRMs show that work areas lie within Zones AE and A, areas that have a 1-percent probability of flooding every year.  In addition, there are portions of the project area within a regulatory floodway, as depicted on the FIRM Panels 0607C0116H, 0607C0117H, and 0607C0118H.

A map of the project area and its location within the floodplain is available for public inspection. Parties interested in receiving a copy of the map should contact the FEMA Region IX Environmental Officer using contact information provided in this notice.

Two alternatives to the proposed action were considered: Alternative 1, No Action, and Alternative 2, Second Action Alternative. Alternative 1 would leave the overgrown vegetation and trees, including the dead and downed trees in the project area. This Alternative is not recommended because the wildfire risk to critical infrastructure, residents and homeowners living near the project areas would remain. Alternative 2 would use current City of Folsom employees to complete the work. This Alternative is not recommended as current staff are already assigned daily duties and relying on existing crews would lengthen the schedule for completion to an infeasible degree. FEMA has determined that the proposed project is the only practicable alternative available; therefore, the proposed action must be located in the floodplain. The proposed action would have no significant adverse impact on the floodplain and would benefit the area by reducing the risk of flooding and flood damage. Therefore, measures to minimize impacts on the floodplain are not necessary. The City of Folsom has declared that the proposed action conforms to local floodplain standards and is responsible for the management, construction, and maintenance of the proposed action.

Additional information about FEMA’s proposed action may be requested by writing the FEMA Region IX Environmental Officer at FEMA, 1111 Broadway, Suite 1200, Oakland, California 94607, or fema-rix-ehp-documents@fema.dhs.gov, or calling (510) 627-7027. All requests should be received no later than 15 days after publication of this notice. No action will be taken before this date.

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