Recovery specialists are supporting efforts of occupants of FEMA’s Manufactured Housing Units to return to, or find, more permanent housing.
Here are the most common challenges occupants face, along with possible resources to help them meet those challenges.
- Survivors unable to afford materials for home repairs or need help with permanent housing should call Louisiana Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters – a nonprofit network – at 2-1-1.
- They can also contact the state’s Disaster Case Management Program at 844-581-2207 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday or email to access a broad range of resources. All information reported is confidential.
- Restore Louisiana’s Homeowner Assistance Program helps homeowners repair flood-damaged residences. Interested homeowners should complete an online survey at or call 866-735-2001 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday.
- Survivors who haven’t been able to obtain a contractor or if a contractor is behind schedule may contact the Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors at
225-765-2301 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. They may also search online at lslbc.louisiana,gov/contractor-search.
- Survivors who have issues with property insurance claims can request legal assistance with the Louisiana Civil Justice Center. They may call 800-310-7029 from 9 a.m. to noon Monday through Friday.
- 2-1-1 is a single access point for resources like food, clothing, shelter, financial assistance and health resources. Visit or follow @211Louisiana on Twitter.
- Go online to to see a database of statewide food banks.
- To find available rental properties visit
Other resources may be available and occupants are encouraged to discuss their options with their FEMA caseworker.
Most survivors living in temporary FEMA housing are making steady progress with their efforts on a permanent housing plan. Nearly 62 percent are on track to meet the program’s February 2018 deadline and more than 2,100 households have already returned home or found suitable housing.