
a. A walled and roofed building, other than a gas or liquid storage tank, principally above ground and affixed to a permanent site as well as a manufactured home on a permanent foundation.

b. For floodplain management purposes, a structure is a walled and roofed building, including a gas or liquid storage tank, that is principally above ground, as well as a manufactured home. The terms "structure" and "building" are interchangeable in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Residential and non-residential structures are treated differently. A residential building built in a floodplain must be elevated above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE). Non-residential buildings may be elevated or floodproofed.

National Flood Insurance Program Requirements

  • 60.3 - Flood plain management criteria for flood-prone areas
    • (a) (4) - Subdivision Review
    • (b) (3) - BFE Data Requirement

Other Applicable NFIP Regulations

  • 59.1 - Definition
  • 60.3 - Flood plain management criteria for flood-prone areas
    • (a) (1) - Development Permit
    • (a) (3) - Reasonably Safe From Flooding
    • (c) (2) - A Zone Residential Buildings
    • (c) (3) - A Zone Nonresidential Buildings
    • (c) (7) - Zone AO Residential Buildings
    • (c) (8) - Zone AO Residential Buildings
    • (e) (4) - V Zone Structures
Last updated