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The webinars will explain the Resource Typing Library Tool's role in the resource management process. Participants also gain insights into updates, including the addition of skillsets, the resource typing calculator function, and how to access historic versions of entries.
FEMA Event
As a part of FEMA, you will solve tough problems, working directly with emergency management, subject matter and policy experts. Far beyond shifting a KR or KPI a fraction of a percentage, your work will help communities prepare for disasters and survivors recover from one of the worst days of their lives. See your skills bring complex, public facing, nationwide-scale systems to life.
Blog entry
The Field Leadership Directorate, within the Office of Response and Recovery at FEMA, is searching for experienced disaster management leaders for the launch of a new National Incident Management Assistance Team (IMAT) focused on Homeland Security Incidents. This team will be tasked with responding to incidents that fall outside of the authorities of the Stafford Act but require a coordinated federal or DHS response.
Fact Sheets
Después del lanzamiento de la primera Estrategia Nacional Tribal de la Agencia Federal de Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA, por sus siglas en inglés), la Administradora de FEMA, Deanne Criswell, anunció que Kelbie Kennedy se desempeñará como Defensora Nacional de Asuntos Tribales de la agencia. Como la primera designada política tribal en la historia de FEMA, Kennedy asesorará a la Administradora y la agencia en Asuntos Tribales, mientras trabaja para garantizar que FEMA cumpla con sus responsabilidades de tratados y fideicomisos con las Naciones Tribales.
Press Release
Following the release of FEMA’s first-ever National Tribal Strategy, FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell announced today that Kelbie Kennedy will serve as the agency’s National Tribal Affairs Advocate. As the first tribal political appointee in FEMA history, Kennedy will advise the Administrator and the agency on Tribal Affairs, while working to ensure that FEMA lives up to its treaty and trust responsibilities to Tribal Nations.
Press Release