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Community Disaster Resilience Zones

Platform Tools

Request for Information Response


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Community Disaster Resilience Zones will build disaster resilience by driving federal, public, and private resources to the most at-risk and in-need jurisdictions across the nation.

The Community Disaster Resilience Zones (CDRZ) Act was signed into law by President Biden on December 20, 2022, with broad bipartisan support. The CDRZ Act amends the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act and requires FEMA to use a natural hazard risk assessment index to identify census tracts that are most at risk for the effects of natural hazards, which are becoming increasingly frequent and intense due to climate change.

This image shows what users will find on the CDRZ platform. It shows a map of the United States, with selection drop downs for state, territory, and county.

Zone Designations

In September 2023, FEMA announced the first 483 CDRZ in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. FEMA designated an additional 284 census tracts for 57 Tribal Nations and 4 U.S. territories in late 2024 and early 2025. A map and a list of designated census tracts are available on the CDRZ platform, which also provides information on the methodology and criteria used to select the zones.

FEMA continues to designate census tracts for states, Tribal Nations, and U.S. territories, with additional announcements expected in 2025.

Using the National Risk Index datasets, categories of burden from the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool, and local and indigenous knowledge, FEMA has identified some of the most at-risk and in-need communities to create resilience zones. These designated zones will provide geographic focus for financial and technical assistance from public, private, and philanthropic agencies and organizations for the planning and implementation of resilience projects.

This support is for the planning and implementation of resilience projects that will help communities reduce the impact of climate change and other natural hazards. The Act will also enable communities to strengthen their community resilience by working with partners across all levels of government and the private sector.

Webinar Resources

Informational webinars were held for local officials, decision-makers, community influencers, and private sector and nonprofit partners to learn more about the vision for the CDRZ Act, the designation methodology, and future opportunities for partnership and investment. 

Topics from the CDRZ webinars include:

  • Vision and overview
  • Designation methodology
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Next steps

Download Webinar Transcript

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Community Disaster Resilience Zones Platform Tools

The Community Disaster Resilience Zones platform provides users the opportunity to view information on designated resilience zones.

Access the CDRZ Platform

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An interactive map provides the opportunity to find a location and determine whether it is in a Community Disaster Resilience Zone. The map includes a drop-down menu for each state and the census tract designations within each county.

If a user wants to review more layers on how zones were determined, options are available to review, filter, and add additional layers of data.

Users can download the datasets involved in these initial selections and view by state, county, tract, and geocode location.

Information is available on FEMA’s methodology for designating these zones. This tool describes the steps used to determine the initial designations for all 50 states and the District of Columbia, Tribal lands, and U.S. territories.

Download the Methodology

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Review Frequently Asked Questions about the Community Disaster Resilience Zones.

Request for Information

On May 26, 2023 FEMA published a 60-day Request for Information in the Federal Register. At the close of the comment period, more than 600 individual comments were received. FEMA has compiled a response to the public comments received and categorized the comments into six main themes:

  • Community Engagement
  • Data and National Risk Index
  • Designation Methodology
  • Displacement
  • Equity
  • Post-Designation Support

FEMA thanks commentors for taking the time to provide valued feedback and for their interest in the CDRZ initiative. The Agency is committed to using feedback to help improve CDRZ implementation across these six categories and beyond. FEMA encourages the public to review the response to the feedback received.

Download the Response

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Contact Us

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Contact the Community Disaster Resilience Zones team for more information on the zones, the designation methodology, and the platform.

Email the CDRZ Team

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