Denham Springs to Receive $2.8 Million More for Debris Removal

Release Date Release Number
Release Date:
May 31, 2017

BATON ROUGE, La. — The City of Denham Springs will receive nearly $2.8 million in disaster funding to assist with citywide debris removal efforts following the August 2016 floods.

Eligible debris categories include household garbage, construction debris, household hazardous waste, appliances and electronics. This now represents about $8.5 million in federal reimbursements for debris removal in the city. Denham Springs is located in Livingston parish.
To date, FEMA has awarded more than $83 million for debris removal statewide since the August flooding last year.

The Public Assistance program has obligated more than $355 million to reimburse local and state governments as well as certain private nonprofits for the repair or replacement of disaster-damaged facilities and infrastructure. Funds also cover debris removal and emergency response activities in designated parishes.

FEMA’s PA program helps to repair or replace critical infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, public buildings and schools. PA offers supplemental financial assistance on a cost-sharing basis. FEMA typically reimburses 75 percent of eligible PA expenses. However, FEMA will reimburse applicants 90 percent of eligible PA expenses given the magnitude of the August floods.

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