FEMA Media Library

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Policy Issuance 2-2005, U.S. District Court Order Regarding the Sale of National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Insurance in Monroe County, Florida

Policy Issuance clarifying the U.S. District Court Order Regarding the Sale of National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Insurance in Monroe County, FL

- A military Humvee patrols a road now cleaned of sludge and mud in a heavily damaged area of the Parish.
Military Humvee patrolling neighborhoods

A military Humvee patrols a road now cleaned of sludge and mud in a heavily damaged area of the Parish. Cleanup efforts are now underway in areas once flooded by Hurricane Katrina. Win Henderson / FEMA

 Hurricane Katrina put this boat upside down in this person's yard.
Boat flipped over by Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina put this boat upside down in this person's yard. All the homes in this area are damaged or destroyed as the 9th Ward took the brunt of the levee breach. Patricia Brach/FEMA

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Disaster-Specific Guidance - Hurricane Katrina

This page contains disaster-specific guidance for Hurricane Katrina. Additional information is available at www.fema.gov/public-assistance-process-request-arbitration for requesting arbitration specific to assistance provided for Hurricane Katrina and www.fema.gov/new-orleans-metropolitan-area-infrastructure-projects-6 for information about NEPA alternative arrangements for New Orleans.

Thomas John and baby brothers are among the 18,000 Hurricane Katrina survivors that are housed in the Red Cross shelter
18,000 plus people sheltering at the Astrodome

Thomas John and baby brothers are among the 18,000 Hurricane Katrina survivors that are housed in the Red Cross shelter at the Astrodome and Reliant Center, after evacuating New Orleans. FEMA photo/Andrea Booher

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FEMA 116, Reducing Losses in High Risk Flood Hazard Areas - A Guidebook for Local Officials

This guidebook provides information to help local governments improve their floodplain management programs for high-risk areas with special types of flood hazards beyond typical flooding.

 Convoy of Hope has a cache of baby supplies ready to be shipped to victims of hurricane Katrina. New Orleans is being evacuated as a result of flooding from hurricane Katrina. Photo by: Liz Roll
Convey of Hope baby supplies shipment

Convoy of Hope has a cache of baby supplies ready to be shipped to victims of hurricane Katrina. New Orleans is being evacuated as a result of flooding from hurricane Katrina. Photo by: Liz Roll

President Bill Clinton greets a wheelchair-bound evacuee in the Reliant Center at the Houston Astrodome. He and President George Walker Bush were at the Astrodome to announce a new relief fund. In the background, holding his jacket is Senator Barack Obama.
President Bill Clinton visiting survivors

President Bill Clinton greets a wheelchair-bound evacuee in the Reliant Center at the Houston Astrodome. He and President George Walker Bush were at the Astrodome to announce a new relief fund. In the background, holding his jacket is Senator Barack Obama. Photo by Ed Edahl/FEMA

An evacuee in the Houston Astrodome looks through  yellow pages for housing information. Thousands of displaced citizens were moved to Houston as New Orleans is evacuated. Photo by Ed Edahl/FEMA
Survivors in the Houston Astrodome

An evacuee in the Houston Astrodome looks through yellow pages for housing information. Thousands of displaced citizens were moved to Houston as New Orleans is evacuated. Photo by Ed Edahl/FEMA

Another commercial jetliner boards evacuees for their flight out of the city to shelters now being set up in cities throughout the country. Military, commercial and private airplanes evacuated tens of thousands of residents from the New Orleans Airport.
Survivors traveling to out of state shelters

Another commercial jetliner board evacuees for their flight out of the city to shelters now being set up in cities throughout the country. Military, commercial and private airplanes evacuated tens of thousands of residents from the New Orleans Airport. New Orleans continues to be evacuated as the city works to remove the floodwaters brought by Hurricane Katrina. Photo by win Henderson / FEMA photo.