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Indiana Severe Storms and Flooding
발생 기간: 2월 14, 2018 - 3월 4, 2018
선언일: 5월 4, 2018
빠른 링크
- 복구 자원: 주 및 지역 | 전국
- 소통: 소셜 미디어 | 모바일 앱 및 문자
- 연중무휴 상담: 재난 고충 헬프라인(Disaster Distress Helpline)
재난에 대한 자세한 내용
지역 자원
지역 정보
지역 뉴스 및 미디어
행사, 기본 정보, 보도 자료 및 기타 멀티미디어 자료는 뉴스 및 미디어 페이지 를 확인하십시오.
The deadline to register for assistance with FEMA was July 5, 2018.
If you have registered for assistance, FEMA encourages you to keep in touch to track your claim or to notify the agency of changes to your mailing or email addresses or phone numbers, and to report insurance settlements or additional damage you may have discovered since your home inspection.
Popular Resources
- Visit the U.S. Small Business Administration's page to submit a Disaster Loan Application.
- Browse through our library of disaster recovery video resources for people with disabilities.
- Visit our Indiana Disaster Mitigation Resources page for information on flood insurance, protecting your property from a flood and home improvement tips for your home.
- Learn about what to expect after registering for disaster assistance.
- Understand FEMA determination letters and how to appeal.
Disaster Recovery Resources
- Disaster legal services through the Indiana State Bar Association
- Disaster Unemployment Assistance through the Indiana Department of Workforce Development
National Flood Insurance Program
Information about Loss Avoidance. NFIP flood insurance policyholders may be able to get up to $1,000 to help with protective measures taken to avoid flood damage when a flood is imminent.
- Visit FEMA’s How do I File My Flood Claim? site that explains the claims process and steps to follow as you file and work with your agent and adjuster. The more you know, the smoother the process will go.
- Download and print this guide for insured-survivors on What to Do After the Flood
- Report your loss immediately to your insurance agent and ask them about advanced payments: NFIP's Write Your Own insurance companies
- Read more about what to do after your inspection.
- NFIP Policyholders Must Follow the Guidelines of Their Flood Policy When Cleaning Up. Read the U.S. Department of Environmental Protection Agency’s Homeowners' and Renters' Guide to Mold Cleanup After Disasters.
- How to file your NFIP flood insurance claim infographic.
- What to expect from the different representatives who may visit your home during the disaster process.
자금 지원 의무
개인 지원 | 금액 |
총 주택 지원(Housing Assistance, HA) - 승인 금액 | $3,436,880.94 |
총 기타 필요 지원(Other Needs Assistance, ONA) - 승인 금액 | $446,749.14 |
총 개인 및 가구 프로그램 승인 금액 | $3,883,630.08 |
승인된 개인 지원 신청 건 | 1165 |
공적지원 | 금액 |
비상 근무(카테고리 A-B) - 의무 지급 | $2,394,465.99 |
상시 근무(카테고리 C-G) - 의무 지급 | $10,495,798.37 |
의무화된 공적 부조 지원금 총액 | $14,326,676.95 |
재난 완화 지원 | 금액 |
위험 완화 보조금 프로그램(HMGP) - 의무 지급 | $2,558,898.30 |