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2022 Southeast Private-Public Partner Virtual Summit

2022 Southeast Private-Public Partners Summit Logo. TN, SC, NC, GA, FL, MS, AL, KY states in circle

Topics include: Supply Chain, Community Resilience, and Disaster Impacts on Rural Communities. Who Should Attend: Crisis managers, business continuity planners, trade association/chamber of commerce executives, and emergency managers.

날짜: 5월 3, 2022 - 5월 5, 2022

시간: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

위치: 가상

이벤트 세부 정보

Tuesday, May 3rd:

  • Inside the Box: The Impact of Global Product Shortages
    • A discussion on the current impacts of global supply chain disruptions and shortages to communities. Companies will discuss the current state of the supply chains and what they are doing to adapt to these challenges.
  • Thinking Around the Box: The Human Capital Component
    • The labor market is facing unprecedented changes as workers demand higher salaries, better benefits, and remote work capabilities. How can companies best address labor shortages, evolving workplaces, and human capital amid a supply chain crisis?
  • Thinking Out of the Box: The Impact of Disasters on the Supply Chain
    • Supply chain challenges don’t go away when a disaster strikes. We’ll discuss the compounding effects of disasters and how private-public partnerships can help communities build resilience, while preparing for the inevitable.


Wednesday, May 4:

  • Meeting the Needs of Rural Communities
    • Many Americans living in rural communities lack the options in emergency situations that their urban counterparts enjoy. This panel will discuss how to best stabilize the Food, Water and Shelter lifelines within rural communities following a disaster.
  • Agri-Business: Disaster Response & Climate Resilience
    • The number and severity of storms has increased over the last five to ten years. How can the agricultural industry and private sector build resilience to a changing climate? What resources are available to the agricultural industry following severe weather?
  • Hacking the Box: Cyber Response


Thursday, May 5th:

  • Here is What I Need: Information Sharing in Disaster Response
    • Exchanging business cards during a disaster is often ineffective. This conversation will seek to provide the private sector with information resources. Panelists will engage with the audience to better understand what additional information may be helpful before, during and after disasters.
  • Director’s Corner
    • Putting this year’s summit into perspective.