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FIMA NFIP Reinsurance Placement Information

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is sharing data files developed in support of FEMA’s reinsurance placement. Learn about reinsurance placement.

We are sharing some of the reinsurance placement information with the general public, because it is important for the nation to more clearly understand our shared flood risk.  The data and information was derived in part using catastrophic flood risk models developed by AIR-Worldwide and RMS, two well known risk model developers.  That information may also be useful for the insurance industry, academics, and others in understanding and studying flood risk within the United States. FEMA looks to continue to foster strong private-public partnerships as FEMA, the public, academia, and the private sector work together to improve flood resiliency in the United States.

In order to meet the Privacy Act of 1974 requirements, the data are aggregated at the zip code level or higher to ensure that no personally identifiable information is released.

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