Available Funding
Cost Share
Project List
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On March 23, 2024, President Biden signed into law Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024, authorizing funding for FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Assistance Pre-Disaster Mitigation grant program.
About the Program
The Pre-Disaster Mitigation grant program makes federal funds available to state, local, tribal, and territorial governments to plan for and implement sustainable cost-effective measures. These mitigation efforts are designed to reduce the risk to individuals and property from future natural hazards, while also reducing reliance on federal funding from future disasters. This funding is offered in addition to funds provided through other FEMA grant programs for projects that will support growing mitigation needs nationwide.
Communities and Tribal Nations with projects identified for funding must submit an application for their grants in accordance with the Fiscal Year 2024 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Congressionally Directed Spending funding opportunities published on Grants.gov.
View the FY24 NOFO

View the FY24 "Congressionally Directed Spending" Fact Sheet
Available Funding
For FY 2024, the total amount of funds that are being made available to 110 congressionally directed projects will be $190,568,289.
A non-federal cost share is required for all subapplications funded through the Pre-Disaster Mitigation grant program. The non-federal cost share may consist of cash, donated or third-party in-kind services, materials, or any combination thereof. The cost share information is as follows:
- Generally, the cost share is 75% federal and 25% non-federal cost share.
- Small impoverished communities are eligible for up to 90% federal cost share and 10% non-federal cost share for their mitigation planning and project subapplications in accordance with the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act.
- Small impoverished communities are defined as having 3,000 or fewer individuals identified by the applicant that is economically disadvantaged, with residents having an average per capita annual income not exceeding 80% of the national per capita income.
- Federally recognized Tribal governments meeting the definition of a small, impoverished community that apply to FEMA directly as Applicants are eligible for a 90% federal cost share for their planning, project, and management costs subapplications.
Eligibility Requirements
Only states, territories, or federally recognized tribal governments identified by Congress in the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 and enumerated in the accompanying Joint Explanatory Statement for Division C are identified in this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and are eligible to apply.
Each state, territory or federally recognized tribal nation with a project identified in the Pre-Disaster Mitigation funding opportunity shall designate one agency to serve as the applicant for funding. Each applicant’s designated agency may submit only one Pre-Disaster Mitigation grant application to FEMA.
Local governments, including cities, townships, counties, special district governments, and tribal governments (including federally recognized tribes who choose to apply as subapplicants) that are identified in the funding opportunity are considered subapplicants and must submit subapplications to their state applicant agency. Any tribal government identified in the funding opportunity that chooses to apply as a subapplicant must submit its application through the appropriate state applicant agency. For more information, contact the appropriate State Hazard Mitigation Officer.
Applicants may apply for management costs of up to 10% of the total federal share of each project subaward to manage that specific project. If the applicant would like to apply for management costs, it must be deducted from the subrecipient’s joint explanatory statement amount, up to 10% per subapplication.
The recipient must report on the management costs per 2 Code of Federal Regulations 200 and the 2023 Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) Program and Policy Guide. Funding appropriated for one project may only be used for that project. Applicant requests for RMC must be submitted in a separate management costs subgrant application in FEMA’s grant application system. Management costs are 100%federally funded.
When applying for Hazard Mitigation Assistance funding, all programmatic requirements must be met. FEMA has listed several requirements below as a quick reference, but it is encouraged to refer to the funding opportunity for a full list of all requirements.
Build America, Buy America Act Requirement
The Build America, Buy America Act (BABAA) requires all federal agencies, including FEMA, to ensure that all federal financial assistance for infrastructure projects meets the Buy America preference that all iron and steel, manufactured products, and construction materials used in that infrastructure are manufactured in the United States.
When necessary, recipients and subrecipients may apply for, and FEMA may grant, a waiver from these requirements. A waiver may be granted if FEMA determines that:
- Applying the domestic content procurement preference would be inconsistent with the public interest.
- The types of iron, steel, manufactured products, or construction materials are not produced in the United States in sufficient and reasonably available quantities or of a satisfactory quality.
- The inclusion of iron, steel, manufactured products, or construction materials produced in the United States will increase the cost of the overall project by more than 25%.
For FEMA awards, FEMA’s Interim Policy on BABAA requirements and information on the process for requesting a waiver from the Buy America preference requirements can be found on FEMA’s website at “Buy America” Preference in FEMA Financial Assistance Programs for Infrastructure.
Hazard Mitigation Plan Requirement
All applicants and subapplicants must have a FEMA-approved Hazard Mitigation Plan by the application deadline and at the time of the obligation of funds, unless the subapplicant is applying for a planning subgrant.
The mitigation projects submitted with the application must be consistent with the goals and objectives identified in the existing FEMA-approved Hazard Mitigation Plan. Interested applicants and subapplicants should contact their State Hazard Mitigation Officer for guidance if they do not have a FEMA-approved Hazard Mitigation Plan.
FEMA may grant an exception to the local hazard mitigation plan requirement in extraordinary circumstances, when adequate justification is provided. This exception must be requested with the subapplication. If this exception is granted, a local hazard mitigation plan must be approved by FEMA within 12 months of the award of the project subgrant to that community.
Cost Effectiveness
All applicants and subapplicants applying for mitigation projects must demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of the mitigation project through a Benefit-Cost Analysis or other documentation. The Benefit-Cost Analysis is the method of estimating the future benefits of a project compared to its cost. FEMA has created a Benefit-Cost Analysis Toolkit that must be used to determine project cost-effectiveness. Please use the Benefit-Cost Analysis Toolkit found on the FEMA website.
FEMA is also leveraging an alternative cost-effectiveness method that will modify the threshold for mitigation projects to be cost-effective under limited conditions. This has long been identified as a challenge by stakeholders to applying for funding. Subapplicants may submit a cost-effectiveness narrative, rather than a Benefit-Cost Analysis, for projects costing less than $1 million. Please reference the program support material found on the FEMA website.
Technical Feasibility and Effectiveness Requirements
Mitigation projects must be both feasible and effective at mitigating the risks of the hazard(s) for which the project was designed. A project’s feasibility is demonstrated through conformance with accepted engineering practices, established codes, standards, modeling techniques, or best practices. Effective mitigation measures must provide a long-term or permanent solution to a risk from a natural hazard.
Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation Requirement
All mitigation projects must comply with all applicable Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation laws, including the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and related Department of Homeland Security and FEMA instructions and directives. FEMA encourages the use of other supporting guidance that can be used to ensure all environmental requirements, including the Hazard Mitigation Assistance Job Aids.
Application Submission and Funding Deadlines
To apply for funding made available to these Congressionally Directed Spending projects through the Pre-Disaster Mitigation program, applicants must adhere to the following application submission and funding deadlines:
Application Opening: May 24, 2024
Eligible applicants must apply for funding using the Mitigation eGrants system on the FEMA Grants Portal: https://portal.fema.gov.
Application Submission Deadline: June 28, 2024, 5 p.m. ET
Applicants experiencing technical problems outside of their control must notify FEMA prior to the application deadline and within 48 hours after the applicant becomes aware of the issue.
FEMA will not review applications that are received after the deadline or consider these late applications for funding.
The application review process begins following the application submission deadline. FEMA will review subapplications submitted by each applicant to ensure all eligibility requirements have been met and there is compliance with the Hazard Mitigation Assistance Guidance.
Application Funding Deadline: Aug. 30, 2024
Period of Performance (POP):
- Start Date: Date of the recipient's federal award
- End Date: 36 months from the start date of the recipient's federal award
Pre-Disaster Mitigation Congressionally Directed Spending Projects
For Fiscal Year 2024, the total amount of funds that are being made available to 110 congressionally directed projects is $190,568,289.
Communities and Tribal Nations with projects identified for funding must submit an application for their grants in accordance with the Fiscal Year 2024 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Congressionally Directed Spending Projects funding opportunities published on Grants.gov.
FY 2024 PDM Grant Program Project List
Recipient (State or Tribe) | Subrecipient | Project Title | Projected Federal Amount |
Tribe | Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin | Powerline Conversion | $845,000 |
Alaska | Kenai Peninsula Borough | Seward Bear Creek Service Area Flood Mitigation Projects | $655,000 |
Alaska | Matanuska-Susitna Borough | Flood Mitigation for Acquisition of High Hazard Areas | $2,500,000 |
Alabama | City of Demopolis | Demopolis Storm Shelter | $2,700,000 |
Alabama | City of Daphne | City of Daphne Main Street Utility Relocation Project | $5,000,000 |
Arkansas | City of North Little Rock | North Little Rock East Bethany Road Drainage Improvements | $3,300,000 |
Arkansas | City of North Little Rock | North Little Rock Magnolia and Olive Street Drainage Improvements | $4,700,000 |
Arkansas | City of Heber Springs | Heber Springs Stormwater Improvements | $4,700,000 |
Arizona | City of Maricopa | City of Maricopa Desert Sunrise High School Box Culvert Project | $1,383,069 |
California | City of Glendale Fire Department | Wildfire Fuel Reduction and Hazardous Brush Abatement | $75,000 |
California | City of Capitola | Capitola Cliff Drive Infrastructure | $450,000 |
California | West Valley Water District | Emergency Generator Project | $525,000 |
California | County of San Luis Obispo | Arroyo Grande Creek Levees | $1,200,000 |
California | County of San Diego | Critical Infrastructure Wildfire Vulnerability Assessment | $1,275,000 |
California | City of Agoura Hills | City of Agoura Hills Civic Center Microgrid Project | $1,383,068 |
California | City of Thousand Oaks | City of Thousand Oaks Water Pumps Microgrid Project | $1,383,068 |
California | City of Hidden Hills | City of Hidden Hills Utility Undergrounding Project | $1,383,069 |
California | Town of Atherton | Upper Atherton Channel Flood Mitigation Project | $1,383,069 |
California | City of Foster City | Foster City Lagoon Pump Station Seismic Rehabilitation and Capacity Enhancement | $1,383,069 |
California | County of San Joaquin | Countywide Back-up Generators and Pumps | $1,383,069 |
California | County of Napa | Napa’s Lake Hennessey & Deer Park Fuel Reduction and Community Infrastructure Protection | $1,383,069 |
California | East Bay Regional Park District | Wildfire Mitigation, and Safe, Resilient Forests and Communities | $1,383,069 |
Colorado | Ouray County | Corbett Creek Bridge Installation | $1,034,000 |
Colorado | City of Golden | Bachman Farms Park/Flood Attenuation Facility | $1,383,069 |
Connecticut | City of Hartford | City of Hartford for North Main Street Corridor Drainage System | $4,500,000 |
District of Columbia | District Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency | 2nd Street Bioretention Flood Mitigation Project | $1,383,069 |
Florida | Town of Briny Breezes | Briny Breezes Stormwater Pump Stations | $1,383,069 |
Florida | City of St. Petersburg | St. Petersburg Storm Drainage Improvement | $1,383,069 |
Florida | Boynton Beach Community Redevelopment Agency | Boynton Harbor Marina Seawall Replacement | $1,383,069 |
Hawaii | Hawai‘i Emergency Management Agency | Backup Generator for Pali Momi Medical Center | $1,383,069 |
Iowa | City of Dubuque | Dubuque Flood Mitigation Gates and Pumps | $8,000,000 |
Idaho | Idaho Office of Emergency Management | Mackay Dam Rehabilitation | $7,082,856 |
Illinois | City of Crystal Lake | Re-Establishment of Crystal Creek | $1,383,069 |
Illinois | Metropolitan Water Reclamation District | Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Farmers- Prairie Creek Project | $1,383,069 |
Illinois | Town of Normal | Storm Water Improvements | $1,550,000 |
Indiana | City of Indianapolis | City of Indianapolis Mars Hill Flood Control Improvement District | $1,383,069 |
Kentucky | City of Ravenna | Ravenna Stormwater Improvements | $2,160,391 |
Louisiana | East Baton Rouge Parish Mayor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness | South Flannery Road Bridge & Channel Improvements | $3,520,950 |
Massachusetts | City of Everett | Island End River Flood Resilience Project | $123,413 |
Massachusetts | City of Quincy | Sea Wall along Manet Ave in Houghs Neck | $450,000 |
Massachusetts | City of Cambridge | Cambridge Community Center Resilience Hub | $1,000,000 |
Massachusetts | City of Chelsea | Mill Creek Resilience Project | $1,000,000 |
Massachusetts | City of Melrose | Lebanon and Sylvan Street Stormwater Management System | $1,000,000 |
Massachusetts | City of Boston | Climate Resilience & Equity in Downtown Boston for a Resilient Christopher Columbus Park & Long Wharf | $1,150,000 |
Massachusetts | Chelmsford Water District | Watershed Lane Culvert Replacement Project | $1,275,000 |
Massachusetts | Weymouth | Climate Resilient Neighborhood in the Coastal Fort Point Road Community | $1,383,069 |
Massachusetts | Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency | Scituate Harbor Seawall | $5,500,000 |
Maryland | City of Annapolis | Jonas and Anne Catharine Green Park Coastal Restoration Project | $450,000 |
Maryland | Maryland Department of Emergency Management | City of Rockville Potomac Woods Storm Drain Improvements | $900,000 |
Maryland | Frederick County | Frederick County Microgrid Project | $1,275,000 |
Maryland | Maryland Department of Emergency Management | Flooding Control in Anacostia River Watershed for Environmental Justice | $1,383,069 |
Maryland | City of Annapolis | Annapolis City Dock Resilience Project | $1,383,069 |
Maryland | Town of Cheverly | Town of Cheverly Flood Mitigation Project | $1,688,000 |
Maine | Town of Greenville | Greenville Stormwater Management Improvements | $975,000 |
Maine | Town of Dover-Foxcroft | Town of Dover-Foxcroft—Lincoln St Bridge Project | $1,455,000 |
Michigan | Charter Township of Chocolay | Chocolay River Flood Mitigation Feasibility Study | $112,000 |
Michigan | Charter Township of East China | East China Belle River Pump Station Flood Mitigation | $294,000 |
Michigan | Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority | Lake St Clair Metropark Electrical Grid | $1,420,000 |
Michigan | City of St. Clair Shores | Sewer Separation of the St. Clair Shores Martin Drain District | $1,755,303 |
Minnesota | City of New Ulm | New Ulm 18th South Street Storm Sewer Lift Station | $1,125,000 |
Mississippi | The City of Yazoo | Yazoo City Community Safehouse | $1,027,000 |
Mississippi | University of Mississippi Medical Center | UMMC Electrical Infrastructure Modernization | $2,215,000 |
Mississippi | City of Ridgeland | Purple Creek Flood Mitigation and Restoration | $4,000,000 |
Mississippi | Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) | Mississippi College/Hinds County Saferoom | $5,063,000 |
New Jersey | City of Passaic | McDonald Brook Channel and Benson Avenue Realignment Flood Control Project | $380,000 |
New Jersey | Borough of Bay Head | Bay Head Flood Mitigation Project | $815,250 |
New Jersey | Neptune Township | Shark River Living Shoreline—Phase II | $1,145,000 |
New Jersey | Stafford Township | Stafford Bulkhead | $1,340,000 |
New Mexico | New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs | Bosque Redondo Memorial at Fort Sunmer Historic Site Fire Mitigation | $150,000 |
New Mexico | New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs | Fort Stanton Historic Site Fire Mitigation | $250,000 |
New Mexico | City of Aztec | City of Aztec—Flood Mitigation | $300,000 |
New Mexico | Los Alamos County | Jemez Mountain Fire Mitigation | $450,000 |
New Mexico | Town of Estancia | Town of Estancia Flood Mitigation Project | $1,040,000 |
Nevada | Clark County | Rural Fire Station Emergency Generators | $588,572 |
Nevada | City of Reno | City of Reno—Swan Lake Irrigation Pipeline | $2,869,000 |
New York | New York State Thruway Authority | New York State Thruway Authority Clarkstown Flood Mitigation | $375,000 |
New York | NYC Department of Homeless Services | Borden Avenue Veterans Shelter Flood Resilience Project | $1,383,069 |
New York | City of New York | Financial District-Seaport Flood Mitigation Project | $1,999,348 |
New York | Town of Clarkstown | Jeffrey Court Flood Prevention | $2,100,000 |
New York | Incorporated Village of Floral Park | West End Recharge Basin | $4,050,000 |
Oklahoma | City of Oklahoma City | Hefner Water Treatment Plant Emergency Power Generation Project | $10,000,000 |
Oregon | City of Warrenton | Iredale Tidegate and Culvert Project—City of Warrenton | $1,087,000 |
Oregon | David Douglas School District 40 | Mill Park Elementary School Seismic Rehabilitation Project, Portland, OR | $1,383,069 |
Pennsylvania | Borough of Bridgeville | Bridgeville Commercial Street Culvert Replacement | $750,000 |
Pennsylvania | Redevelopment Authority of the City of Harrisburg | Paxton Creek Dechannelization Project | $750,000 |
Pennsylvania | Lackawanna County | Lackawanna County Dam No. 5 and Spillway Rehabilitation Project | $1,383,069 |
Pennsylvania | City of Philadelphia | Increasing Flood Resilience in Eastwick, Philadelphia | $1,383,069 |
Pennsylvania | City of Williamsport | Williamsport Levee Flood Control Project | $3,500,000 |
Rhode Island | Town of North Providence | Town Hall Generator | $33,000 |
Rhode Island | City of Pawtucket | The Arc of the Blackstone Valley Generator | $112,000 |
Rhode Island | Town of North Providence | Town of North Providence for Flood Mitigation | $639,000 |
Texas | City of Glenn Heights | City of Glenn Heights Emergency Warning System Replacement Project | $510,000 |
Texas | City of Dallas | Dallas Resilience Hub-Kiest Recreation Center | $1,383,069 |
Texas | City of Harlingen | 5th and 7th Streets Storm Sewer Drainage Improvements | $1,383,069 |
Texas | City of San Antonio | Concepcion Creek—Phase 1 | $1,383,069 |
Texas | Harris County Flood Control District | P118–08–00 Conveyance and Detention Improvements | $1,383,069 |
Texas | El Paso County | Replacing Aging Emergency Generator and Adding Solar Capacity | $1,383,069 |
Texas | City of Houston | Kingwood Diversion Channel—Walnut Lane Bridge Project | $4,000,000 |
Utah | City of Payson | Payson City Pre-Disaster Mitigation Project | $1,500,000 |
Utah | Millcreek City | Neffs Canyon Debris Basin Project | $2,400,000 |
Virginia | County of Franklin | Franklin County Emergency Shelter Generator | $705,000 |
Virginia | City of Hampton Office of Emergency Management | Resilient Hampton Property Acquisition in Flood Prone Areas | $1,383,069 |
Virginia | City of Hampton, VA | Joint Base Langley-Eustis (JBLE)—Langley Access Protection Project | $2,000,000 |
Vermont | Town of Calais | Renovate Curtis Pond Dam | $525,000 |
Washington | Port of Longview | Portable Backup Generators | $272,000 |
Washington | The Seattle Public Library | Seattle Public Library University Branch Seismic Structural Upgrade | $1,383,069 |
Washington | Yakima County Public Services | Yakima County Gap to Gap Protection Project | $4,000,000 |
West Virginia | City of Hinton | Bellepoint Park Stormwater Drain Replacement | $480,000 |
West Virginia | Town of Hendricks | Hendricks Stormwater Improvement Project | $1,296,000 |
West Virginia | Saint Albans | Rams Horn Stormwater System Improvements | $2,873,000 |
Additional Resources
In addition to the funding opportunity published on Grants.gov, FEMA encourages the following additional resources be used for assistance in applying for funding:
- Pre-Disaster Mitigation webpage
- Hazard Mitigation Assistance Guidance
- Hazard Mitigation Assistance Job Aids
General Questions
For general questions about Pre-Disaster Mitigation Congressionally Directed Spending, please contact the appropriate State Hazard Mitigation Officer or FEMA regional office.
The Hazard Mitigation Assistance helpline is also available by telephone at (866) 222-3580.
eGrants System Questions
You can visit the Mitigation eGrants (MT eGrants) System Resources for reference guides and job aids to help submit your application.
For assistance with using the eGrants system to manage your existing PDM grants, please email or call 855-228-3362.
Other Questions
If you require further assistance after navigating the resources above, please contact FEMA by email at FEMA-Ask-PDM@fema.dhs.gov.