Available Funding
Cost Share
Project List
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On March 15, 2022, President Biden signed into law the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022, authorizing funding for FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Assistance Pre-Disaster Mitigation grant program.
About the Program
The Pre-Disaster Mitigation grant program makes federal funds available to state, local, tribal, and territorial governments to plan for and implement sustainable cost-effective measures. These mitigation efforts are designed to reduce the risk to individuals and property from future natural hazards, while also reducing reliance on federal funding from future disasters. This funding is offered in addition to funds provided through other FEMA grant programs for projects that will support growing mitigation needs nationwide.
Communities with projects identified for funding must submit an application for their grants in accordance with the Fiscal Year 2022 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Congressional Community Projects funding opportunities published on Grants.gov.
View the FY22 "Congressionally Directed Spending" Fact Sheet

Available Funding
For Fiscal Year 2022, the total amount of funds that are being made available to 68 congressionally directed projects is $153,922,408.
A non-federal cost share is required for all subapplications funded through the Pre-Disaster Mitigation grant program. The non-federal cost share may consist of cash, donated or third-party in-kind services, materials, or any combination thereof. The cost share information is as follows:
- Generally, the cost share is 75% federal and 25% non-federal cost share.
- Small, impoverished communities are eligible for up to 90% federal cost share and 10% non-federal cost share for their mitigation planning and project subapplications in accordance with the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act.
- Small impoverished communities are defined as having 3,000 or fewer individuals identified by the applicant that is economically disadvantaged, with residents having an average per capita annual income not exceeding 80% of the national per capita income.
Eligibility Requirements
Only states, territories, or federally recognized tribal governments with identified by Congress in the Consolidated Appropriations Act and enumerated in the accompanying Joint Explanatory Statement for Division F are identified in this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and are eligible to apply.
Each state, territory or federally recognized tribal nation with a project identified in the Pre-Disaster Mitigation funding opportunity shall designate one agency to serve as the applicant for funding. Each applicant’s designated agency may submit only one Pre-Disaster Mitigation grant application to FEMA.
Local governments, including cities, townships, counties, special district governments, and tribal governments (including federally recognized tribes who choose to apply as subapplicants) that are identified in the funding opportunity are considered subapplicants and must submit subapplications to their state or territory applicant agency. Any tribal government identified in the NOFO that chooses to apply as a subapplicant must submit its application through the appropriate state applicant agency. For more information, contact the appropriate State Hazard Mitigation Officer.
Management costs are eligible for Pre-Disaster Mitigation funding in accordance with the Hazard Mitigation Assistance Guidance. A maximum of up to 10% of FY 2022 Pre-Disaster Mitigation funds awarded may be retained by the recipient and any funds retained are to be used solely for management and administration purposes associated with the award. Subrecipients may also use up to 5% of the FY 2022 Pre-Disaster Mitigation funds awarded to them by the recipient to be used solely for management and administration purposes associated with the award.
When applying for Hazard Mitigation Assistance funding, all programmatic requirements must be met. FEMA has listed several requirements below as a quick reference, but it is encouraged to refer to the funding opportunity for a full list of all requirements.
Hazard Mitigation Plan Requirement
All applicants and subapplicants must have a FEMA-approved Hazard Mitigation Plan by the application deadline and at the time of the obligation of funds, unless the subapplicant is applying for a planning subgrant.
The mitigation projects submitted with the application must be consistent with the goals and objectives identified in the existing FEMA-approved Hazard Mitigation Plan. Interested applicants and subapplicants should contact their State Hazard Mitigation Officer for guidance if they do not have a FEMA-approved Hazard Mitigation Plan.
FEMA may grant an exception to the local hazard mitigation plan requirement in extraordinary circumstances, when adequate justification is provided. If this exception is granted, a local hazard mitigation plan must be approved by FEMA within 12 months of the award of the project subgrant to that community.
Cost Effectiveness
All applicants and subapplicants applying for mitigation projects must demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of the mitigation project through a Benefit-Cost Analysis or other documentation. The Benefit-Cost Analysis is the method of estimating the future benefits of a project compared to its cost. FEMA has created a Benefit-Cost Analysis Toolkit that must be used to determine project cost-effectiveness. Please use the Benefit-Cost Analysis Toolkit found on the FEMA website.
Technical Feasibility and Effectiveness Requirements
Mitigation projects must be both feasible and effective at mitigating the risks of the hazard(s) for which the project was designed. A project’s feasibility is demonstrated through conformance with accepted engineering practices, established codes, standards, modeling techniques, or best practices. Effective mitigation measures must provide a long-term or permanent solution to a risk from a natural hazard.
Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation Requirement
All mitigation projects must comply with all applicable Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation laws, including the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and related Department of Homeland Security and FEMA instructions and directives. FEMA encourages the use of other supporting guidance that can be used to ensure all environmental requirements, including the Hazard Mitigation Assistance Job Aids.
Application Submission and Funding Deadlines
To apply for funding made available to these congressional community projects through the Pre-Disaster Mitigation program, applicants must adhere to the following application submission and funding deadlines:
Application Opening: May 25, 2022
Eligible applicants must apply for funding using the Mitigation eGrants system on the FEMA Grants Portal: https://portal.fema.gov.
Application Submission Deadline: June 24, 2022, 5 p.m. ET
Applicants experiencing technical problems outside of their control must notify FEMA prior to the application deadline and within 48 hours after the applicant becomes aware of the issue.
The application review process begins following the application submission deadline. FEMA will review subapplications submitted by each applicant to ensure all eligibility requirements have been met and there is compliance with the Hazard Mitigation Assistance Guidance.
Application Funding Deadline: Sept. 30, 2022
Period of Performance (POP):
- Start Date: Will vary by award; all awards must be made by Sept. 30, 2022. While all funds must be obligated before Sept.30, 2022, they will not be disbursed until all the Hazard Mitigation Assistance program requirements have been met, such as compliance with the Environmental and Historic Preservation requirements.
- End Date: 36 months from the start date of the receipt’s federal award
Pre-Disaster Mitigation Congressionally Directed Spending Projects
For Fiscal Year 2022, the total amount of funds that are being made available to 68 congressionally directed projects is $153,922,408.
Communities with projects identified for funding must submit an application for their grants in accordance with the Fiscal Year 2022 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Congressional Community Projects funding opportunities published on Grants.gov.
FY 2022 PDM Grant Program Project List
State or Tribe | Eligible Grant Subrecipient | Project Title | Amount |
Arizona | Pinal County | Pinal County Christensen Road and Lower Magma Drainage improvements | $506,250 |
California | City of Alameda | Veteran’s Court Seawall | $1,500,000 |
California | City of Chino Hills | Citywide Fuel Reduction | $565,000 |
California | City of Poway, Public Works Department | Hazardous Tree Removal Mitigation Project | $187,500 |
Colorado | Town of Nederland | Big Springs Emergency Egress | $525,000 |
Connecticut | Capitol Region Council of Governments | Capitol Region Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update | $189,000 |
Connecticut | Connecticut Department of Transportation | Replacement of Bridge No. 02100 at Route 154 over Bible Rock Brook | $1,500,000 |
Connecticut | Connecticut Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation | Connecticut Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation | $2,300,000 |
Florida | Gadsden County | Gadsden County W.S. Stevens High School Disaster Shelter | $4,669,171 |
Florida | Monroe County | Twin Lakes Subdivision Pre-Disaster Mitigation Project | $5,484,300 |
Florida | Mount Sinai Medical Center | Mount Sinai Medical Center Infrastructure Hardening and Resiliency Project | $7,650,580 |
Florida | Town of Longboat Key | Town of Longboat Key Flooding Mitigation Request | $350,000 |
Georgia | Glynn County Board of Commissioners | Johnson Rocks Revetment Project | $2,925,000 |
Hawaii | Honolulu Fire Department | HFD Generators at Fire Stations | $1,805,000 |
Hoh Tribe | The Hoh Tribe | Hoh Tribe Relocation Development | $1,650,000 |
Illinois | City of Alton | Alton, Illinois Flood Relief and Recovery | $2,456,370 |
Illinois | City of North Chicago | North Chicago Storm Sewer | $7,796,558 |
Illinois | City of Zion | Zion Stormwater Management Project | $720,435 |
Illinois | DuPage County | St. Joseph Creek Condominiums Flood Walls & Flood Gates | $915,000 |
Illinois | Lake County Stormwater Management Commission | Dady Slough Flood Storage and Wetland Enhancement Project | $3,000,000 |
Illinois | Lake County Stormwater Management Commission | Sylvan Lake Dam Modifications | $1,342,500 |
Illinois | Village of Arlington Heights | Village of Arlington Heights – Race & Chicago Avenue Storm Water Detention | $600,000 |
Kansas | City of Emporia, Kansas | Emporia Pre-Disaster Mitigation | $1,796,000 |
Kansas | Water One | Backup Engine Generator for Water One | $4,837,500 |
Louisiana | Vermillion Parish | Vermillion Safe Room | $5,250,000 |
Massachusetts | Town of North Attleborough | Ten-Mile River Dredging Project to Mitigate Flooding | $1,500,000 |
Massachusetts | City of Boston | Design & Permitting for Open Space and Resiliency Improvements Project in Joe Moakley Park | $1,650,000 |
Massachusetts | City of Chelsea | Mill Creek Restoration & Resilience Project | $800,000 |
Massachusetts | City of Chelsea Department of Housing and Community Development | Island End River Area Flood Resilience Project – City of Everett, County of Chelsea | $750,000 |
Massachusetts | City of Newburyport | City of Newburyport Bulkhead Renovation Project | $2,250,000 |
Massachusetts | City of Woburn | Hurld Park Green Infrastructure | $262,500 |
Massachusetts | Town of Arlington | Mystic and Charles Regional Coastal Flood Interventions Project | $750,000 |
Massachusetts | Town of Somerset | Somerset Emergency Dam Improvements | $975,000 |
Maryland | City of Frederick | City of Frederick Motter Avenue Area Community Flood Mitigation Project | $534,977 |
Maryland | City of Rockville | City of Rockville 6 Taft Court Emergency Power Generation | $409,000 |
Maryland | Frederick County | Point of Rock Significant/High Hazard Dam Decommissioning and Stream Restoration | $908,000 |
Maine | Dover-Foxcroft, ME | Dover-Foxcroft, ME Lincoln Bridge Rehabilitation Project | $883,000 |
Michigan | City of St. Clair Shores | St. Clair Shores Pump Station | $248,625 |
North Carolina | Town of Wake Forest | Wake Forest Reservoir Dam Repairs | $2,175,000 |
New Hampshire | Town of Durham Department of Public Works | Emergency Generators | $543,000 |
New Jersey | Atlantic County Improvement Authority | Lake Lenape Dam Flood Mitigation | $4,600,000 |
New Jersey | Borough of Keyport | Fireman’s Park Bulkhead Improvement Project | $450,000 |
New Jersey | Borough of North Caldwell | Hazard Mitigation Improvements in North Caldwell | $300,000 |
New Mexico | Columbus Port of Entry | Columbus LPOE Flood Control Diversion Berm and Bridge Phase II | $1,000,000 |
New York | New York State Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services | Fresh Creek Tide Gates, Brooklyn, NY | $800,000 |
New York | Village of Pulaski | Stormwater Flooding Improvements | $1,000,000 |
Ohio | City of Mansfield | Flood Mitigation Project | $1,000,000 |
Oregon | City of Astoria | Astoria Pre-Disaster Landslide Storm Drainage Project | $676,875 |
Oregon | Port of Portland | Port of Portland Seismically Resilient Runway | $3,750,000 |
Pennsylvania | Upper Burrell Township | Lower Drennen Road Landslide Mitigation | $184,000 |
Rhode Island | Town of Lincoln, RI | Town-wide Wastewater Pump-Station Update | $400,000 |
Texas | Harris County Flood Control District | TC Jester Stormwater Detention Basin Project | $9,950,000 |
Texas | Harris County Flood Control District | Westador Stormwater Detention Basin | $8,250,000 |
Texas | Harris County Flood Control District | Meyergrove Detention Basin | $9,950,000 |
Texas | Harris County, Texas | Stormwater Detention Basin and Culvert Improvement | $9,950,000 |
Texas | Hidalgo County Drainage District No. 1 | North Main Drain Expansion Project | $3,706,267 |
Texas | City of Cedar Park | The City of Cedar Parks Rachettes Sections 2 and 3, Phase II Stormwater Mitigation Project | $750,000 |
Virginia | City of Hopewell | Cattail Creek Crossing Improvements Project | $750,000 |
Virginia | Prince William County Government | Community Climate Change Impact Analysis | $950,000 |
Vermont | State of Vermont | Stream Restoration and Resilience | $2,620,000 |
Vermont | Vermont Emergency Management | Starksboro Mobile Home Parks Flood Mitigation and Community Space | $400,000 |
Vermont | Windham Regional Commission | Windham Region Energy Resiliency Zones | $151,000 |
Washington | City of Hoquiam | Aberdeen-Hoquiam Flood Protection Project | $9,950,000 |
Washington | Quinault Indian Nation | Emergency Washington State Route 109 Bypass | $1,400,000 |
Wisconsin | City of Elroy | City of Elroy Electrical Substation Renovation | $525,000 |
Wisconsin | Village of Mount Pleasant | Lake Park Bluff Mitigation Project | $1,666,000 |
West Virginia | City of Huntington | Fourpole Creek Pump Station Design and Engineering | $2,925,000 |
West Virginia | West Virginia Division of Emergency Management | West Virginia Water Treatment Plan Auxiliary Power Project | $708,000 |
Additional Resources
In addition to the funding opportunity published on Grants.gov, FEMA encourages the following additional resources be used for assistance in applying for funding:
- Notice of Funding Opportunity FY22 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Congressional Community Projects Webinar
- Pre-Disaster Mitigation webpage
- Hazard Mitigation Assistance Guidance
- Hazard Mitigation Assistance Job Aids
Office Hours
- HMA Pre-Disaster Mitigation Office Hours
- Environmental and Historic Preservation (EHP) Review: Office Hours
General Questions
For general questions about Pre-Disaster Mitigation Congressionally Directed Spending, please contact the appropriate State Hazard Mitigation Officer or FEMA regional office.
The Hazard Mitigation Assistance helpline is also available by telephone at (866) 222-3580.
eGrants System Questions
You can visit the Mitigation eGrants (MT eGrants) System Resources for reference guides and job aids to help submit your application.
For assistance with using the eGrants system to manage your existing PDM grants, please email or call 855-228-3362.
Other Questions
If you require further assistance after navigating the resources above, please contact FEMA by email at FEMA-Ask-PDM@fema.dhs.gov.