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Questions and Answers for Undocumented Immigrants Regarding FEMA Assistance

Release Date:
6월 17, 2004
  1. If I am an undocumented immigrant, am I eligible for assistance for needs related to the recent storms, tornadoes, and flooding?
    • Yes, you may be eligible under many different programs run by State and local agencies and voluntary agencies for various types of cash assistance.

      American Red Cross 1-866-438-4636 (English) 1-800-257-7575 (Spanish)
  2. If I am an undocumented immigrant, am I eligible for any assistance from FEMA?
    • You may be eligible for Crisis Counseling or Disaster Legal Services, and other short-term, non-cash, emergency aid.
    • You will not be eligible for Disaster Unemployment Assistance.
    • You will not be personally eligible for FEMA cash assistance programs (Individuals and Households Program Assistance). You may, however, apply on behalf of your U.S. citizen child, or another adult household member may qualify the household for assistance.
    • Even if you or your family does not qualify for FEMA cash assistance (Individuals and Households Program Assistance), please call FEMA at 1-800-621-3362 or 1-800-462-7585 (TTY for hearing/speech-impaired) for information and to be referred to other programs that can assist you regardless of your immigration status.
  3. If I am an undocumented immigrant, can I apply on behalf of my child who was born in the United States?
    • Yes, you can apply on behalf of your minor child (under 18 years of age) for FEMA cash assistance (Individuals and Households Program Assistance) if you live together.
    • You will not have to provide any information on your immigration status or sign any documents regarding your status.
  4. Do I need a Social Security Number to register for FEMA cash assistance (Individuals and Households Program Assistance)?
    • If you are applying on your minor child's behalf, you should provide his/her Social Security Number.
  5. If I have a Social Security Number, am I eligible for FEMA cash assistance (Individuals and Households Program Assistance) as a "Qualified Alien"?
    • Not necessarily, because having a Social Security Number does not automatically mean that you are a Qualified Alien. You may be legally present in the U.S. and have a Social Security Number, but not be a Qualified Alien.
  6. What are FEMA's citizenship/immigration requirements?
    • You must be must be a U.S. Citizen, Non-Citizen National, or a Qualified Alien in order to be eligible for FEMA cash assistance: Individuals and Households Program Assistance and Disaster Unemployment Assistance.
    • A Qualified Alien1 includes anyone with legal permanent residence ("green card").
    • You will be asked to sign a Declaration and Release (FEMA Form 90-69 B) that you are a U.S. Citizen, Non-Citizen National, or a Qualified Alien.