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Every Thursday in March, the FEMA Technological Hazards Division (THD) Policy Section will host lunch and learn sessions focused on topics related to the Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program.
FEMA Event
Each week in September, the FEMA Technological Hazards Division (THD) Policy Section will host a lunch and learn session focused on a topic related to the Radiological Preparedness (REP) Program.
FEMA Event
Durante el verano, muchas personas viajan a destinos nuevos o conocidos para hacer turismo, explorar, visitar amigos o familiares y disfrutar del sol. Es importante estar #SummerReady preparándose para los peligros que pueda encontrar durante los viajes. Puede hacerlo conociendo los riesgos del calor extremo, las directrices de la Administración de Seguridad en el Transporte (TSA, por sus siglas en inglés), la selección de vuelos, los seguros de viaje, los retrasos en los viajes y las proyecciones meteorológicas oficiales.
Blog entry
Throughout the summer, many people fly to new or familiar destinations to sightsee, explore, visit friends or family and enjoy the sunshine. It is important to be #SummerReady by preparing for hazards you may encounter during travels. You can do this by being aware of extreme heat risks, TSA guidelines, flight selections, travel insurance, travel delays and official weather forecasts.
Blog entry
The webinars will explain the Resource Typing Library Tool's role in the resource management process. Participants also gain insights into updates, including the addition of skillsets, the resource typing calculator function, and how to access historic versions of entries.
FEMA Event