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New York Orange County Survivors Impacted by Hurricane Ida Deadline to Apply for Assistance

Residents of Orange county who had damage or losses as a direct result of Hurricane Ida are encouraged to apply for FEMA assistance as soon as possible. The deadline to apply is Tuesday, Jan 31.
日期: 一月 31, 2022
时间: 6:00 am - 11:59 pm
位置: 重要日期
Residents of Orange county who had damage or losses as a direct result of Hurricane Ida are encouraged to apply for FEMA assistance as soon as possible. The deadline to apply is Tuesday, Jan 31.
FEMA disaster assistance may be available to help pay uninsured or underinsured losses such as home repair for disaster-related damage, rental assistance, reimbursement for lodging expenses for individuals whose home was inaccessible or unhabitable during the disaster, medical expenses incurred from this disaster or other disaster-related needs.
- You can ask a friend or relative over age 18 to act on your behalf if you are applying to FEMA, if you are unavailable for your FEMA inspection, or if you are appealing a FEMA decision about your eligibility for disaster relief. If you do ask someone to act on your behalf, you must let FEMA know in writing. Submit your consent online from your FEMA account at You can also mail your consent to FEMA National Processing Service Center, P.O. Box 10055, Hyattsville, MD 20782-8055 or fax it to 800-827-8112. You and your representative can also visit a Disaster Recovery Center together to submit your consent. Find your nearest Disaster Recovery Center online at
4 Ways to Apply for Assistance
- Online at
- Visit your nearest Disaster Recovery Center
- Call 1-800-621-3362 or TTY 1-200-462-7585
- Download FEMA App from the Apple or Google Play stores
How To Appeal
If you disagree with a FEMA decision about your eligibility for disaster assistance, remember that you have the right to appeal. Be sure to provide documentation of the damage that affected your essential living space or made your home uninhabitable. That includes repair estimates, contractor bids and photos. For more information and advice on the appeals process, see the: Tips for Appealing a Decision from FEMA Press Release.