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Flood Mitigation Assistance FY2018 Subapplication Status

FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grant programs provide funding to protect life and property from future natural disasters. The Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) grant program assists States, Tribal, Territorial and local governments reduce or eliminate claims under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

For FY 2018, $160 million was appropriated for FMA. On August 3, 2018, FEMA posted the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) on to announce the availability of $160 million for FMA grants and the application period October 1, 2018 – January 31, 2019. FEMA will fund the flood portion of mitigation planning subapplications consistent with 44CFR Part 201 up to $100,000 federal share per applicant with a maximum of $50,000 for state plans and $25,000 for local plans. In addition, applicants who were awarded FMA grant funds totaling at least $1 million in FY 2017 may receive technical assistance up to $50,000.  The remaining funds will be awarded on a competitive basis for projects.

FY2018 Flood Mitigation Assistance Priorities

The agency’s priorities for projects for the FY 2018 FMA program are:

1. Community Flood Mitigation – Up to $70,000,000 available

Advance Assistance

FEMA will select the highest ranked eligible subapplication for Advance Assistance from each Applicant up to $100,000 federal share based on final prioritization score (see table below) for a maximum of $2,000,000.

Advanced Assistance can be used to develop mitigation strategies and obtain data to prioritize, select, and develop community flood hazard projects for future funding.  FEMA will select subapplications that address flood risk on a community level based on final priority scoring criteria and that benefit communities with high participation and favorable standing in the NFIP. Consideration of Advanced Assistance early in the decision-making process can help facilitate the development of a viable project, as well as project implementation.  FY18 community flood mitigation Advanced Assistance projects are not eligible for FY18 community flood mitigation Project funding. There is no guarantee for future Hazard Mitigation Assistance project funding if Advanced Assistance is awarded.

Community Flood Mitigation Projects

FEMA will select the highest ranked eligible community flood mitigation subapplication from each Applicant up to $10,000,000 federal share based on final priority scoring criteria (see table below) and that benefit communities with high participation and favorable standing in the NFIP.  Applicants are not required to apply for Advanced Assistance funding to be eligible to receive a project award.

Eligible activities include but are not limited:

  • Infrastructure protective measures
  • Localized flood control to protect critical facilities
  • Floodwater storage and diversion
  • Floodplain and stream restoration
  • Water and sanitary sewer system protective measures
  • Utility protective measures
  • Stormwater management
  • Aquifer storage and recovery
  • Wetland restoration/creation

Subapplications submitted for either the community flood mitigation Advance Assistance or project funding will be scored and ranked based on the following priorities:

PriorityDescriptionTotal Points
Private-Partnership Cost ShareCost share taken on by private organizations/businesses emphasizing community participation, collaboration, and investment. Points will be assigned based on percentage of private cost share invested.150
Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS) ratingAssesses effectiveness of enforcement and adequacy of building codes with emphasis on mitigation. Classes weighted based on national class grouping ratings. Highest weight will be assigned to class 1 and descending through lower classes. 100
Community Rating System (CRS) ParticipationThe Community Rating System (CRS) recognizes and encourages community floodplain management activities that exceed the minimum NFIP standards. Depending upon the level of participation, flood insurance premium rates for policyholders can be reduced up to 45%. Highest weight will be assigned to class 1 and descending through lower classes. 100
Cooperating Technical Partners Program (CTP) ParticipationQualified partnership program where communities commit to collaborate in maintaining up-to-date flood hazard maps and other flood hazard information. Points are provided to CTP participating communities.100
International Building Codes (IBC) Adopted (2009 or newer)IBC adoption epitomizes community commitment to responsible building regulations. Points are provided to IBC participating communities with 2009 version or higher adopted. 50
Total Points Available500*

* In the event of a tie between two or more community flood mitigation applications:

  • FEMA will use the highest Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) as a tiebreaker for projects; and.
  • FEMA will use the total number of active policies in the local jurisdiction as a tie breaker for Advance Assistance.

After meeting the $70,000,000 available for community flood mitigation or when all eligible community flood mitigation project subapplications have been selected, FEMA will select eligible subapplications for the remaining funds in the following order:

2. Technical Assistance

FEMA will select eligible technical assistance subapplications up to $50,000 Federal share for Applicants who received FMA awards totaling at least $1,000,000 Federal share in FY 2017.

3. Flood Mitigation Planning

FEMA will select eligible planning subapplications up to $100,000 Federal share per Applicant with a maximum of $50,000 Federal share for State mitigation plan updates and $25,000 Federal share for local mitigation plans.  FEMA may reduce the Federal share of any planning subapplication that exceeds the regulatory maximums.

4. Competitive Funding for Property Flood Mitigation Projects

FEMA will select eligible flood mitigation project subapplications on a competitive basis as follows:

  1. Projects that will mitigate flood damage to at least 50 percent of structures included in the subapplication that meet definition 42 U.S.C. 4104c(h)(3)(B)(ii) of a Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) property: At least two separate NFIP claim payments have been made with the cumulative amount of such claims exceeding the market value of the insured structure
  2. Projects that will mitigate flood damage to at least 50 percent of structures included in the subapplication that meet the definition of a Repetitive Loss (RL) property:  Have incurred flood-related damage on two occasions, in which the cost of the repair, on the average, equaled or exceeded 25% of the market value of the structure at the time of each such flood event
  3. Projects that will mitigate flood damage to at least 50 percent of structures included in the subapplication that meet definition 42 U.S.C. 4104c(h)(3)(B)(i) of a SRL property: four or more separate NFIP claims payments have been made with the amount of each claim exceeding $5,000, and with the cumulative amount of claims payments exceeding $20,000

5. FEMA Will Select Remaining Eligible Applications Once All Above Priorities Are Met Based on Benefits to the NFIP

FEMA received 222 FMA subapplications submitted by 29 states and territories totaling over $304.6 million: 26 planning, 164 projects, 7 technical assistance, and 25 applicant management cost subapplications.

FEMA has completed eligibility review to ensure compliance with HMA Guidance and has made selections based on the agency’s priorities and available funding. FEMA has identified for further review 130 FMA subapplications from 24 applicants: 22 planning (includes 15 Community Mitigation Advance Assistance), 81 projects (includes 8 Community Flood Mitigation projects), 7 technical assistance subapplications, and 20 applicant management costs for $158.9 million.

FY2018 Flood Mitigation Assistance Subapplicant Status

The below table lists the submitted planning and project subapplications and the status of each alphabetically by applicant.

Most of the Flood Mitigation Assistance funding goes towards elevation, acquisitions, and mitigation reconstruction of repetitively flood-damaged buildings insured by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

Learn about the definition of each status description:

Applicant Subapplication Title Submitted Federal Share Status
AZ 2018 FMA State of Arizona Management Costs $ 11,405.00 Identified for Further Review
AZ 2018-FMA-Desert Cedars-Advance Assistance $ 48,037.00 Identified for Further Review
AZ 2018 FMA Flood Control District of Maricopa County Floodplain Management Plan $ 25,000.00 Not Eligible
AZ 2018-FMA-Gila Bend Structural Mitigation Projects $ 2,520,000.00 Not Eligible
AZ 2018-Cottonwood-FMA-"Old Town" Flood Improvements $ 1,970,625.00 Not Eligible
AR ANRC FMA Management & Admin $ 30,355.90 Identified for Further Review
AR Cleburne County Elevation Project $ 103,383.75 Identified for Further Review
AR Grubbs Acquisition and Demolition $ 164,714.00 Identified for Further Review
AR City of Little Rock: 47 Warwick Road $ 16,144.50 Not Selected
AR City of Shannon Hills FMA Acquisition/Demolition Project $ 580,499.36 Not Selected
CA California 2018 FMA Management Cost $ 1,406,232.83 Identified for Further Review
CA Advance Assistance for Reduction and Minimization of Flooding to Madison $ 99,999.83 Identified for Further Review
CA City of Santa Rosa Community Wide Infrastructure Flood Mitigation Project $ 10,000,000.00 Identified for Further Review
CA Storm Drainage Improvements for the Rio Del Mar Flats $ 3,602,028.00 Not Eligible
CA City of Redwood City Price Pump Station Improvements Project $ 4,000,000.00 Not Eligible
CA Redwood City Bradford Storm Drainage Pump Station Improvements Project $ 3,954,178.62 Not Eligible
CA Bethel Island Main Pump Facility Raise Project $ 576,922.50 Not Eligible
CA Bethel Island Road Pump Enhancement $ 274,768.80 Not Eligible
CA Erskine Creek Box Culvert $ 523,725.00 Not Eligible
CA Cuddy Creek Box Culvert $ 605,100.00 Not Eligible
CA City of Wildomar Bundy Canyon Road Flood Control Drainage Improvements $ 2,137,188.80 Not Eligible
CA Coachella Valley Water District East Side Dike Improvement Project $ 2,925,000.00 Not Eligible
CA North Cathedral City UPRR Under Crossing & Bank Protection $ 3,999,892.00 Not Eligible
CA City of Sacramento Florin Creek Flood Mitigation Project $ 789,763.00 Not Eligible
CA County of San Mateo Resilient Infrastructure Community Flood Mitigation Project $ 5,503,800.00 Not Eligible
CO 2018 FMA State Management Costs $ 7,307.50 Identified for Further Review
CO Mitchell Creek Floodplain Advance Assistance Analysis $ 54,806.00 Identified for Further Review
CO City of Aurora Upper Westerly Creek Community Flood Mitigation Project $ 9,289,262.25 Not Eligible
CT 27 Crimmins Rd, Darien Home Elevation $ 253,404.00 Not Eligible
CT Management Cost FMA $ 19,928.29 Not Eligible
DE City of Wilmington Advance Assistance $ 95,229.20 Identified for Further Review
DE 63 Meadow Road Acquisition- FMA $ 125,100.00 Identified for Further Review
DE Wein Home Elevation Project $ 165,000.00 Identified for Further Review
DE Arendal Home Elevation- FMA $ 90,877.50 Not Eligible
FL 2018 State of Florida FMA Management Costs $ 272,536.41 Identified for Further Review
FL FY19 FMA City of Deerfield Beach Flood Resiliency Advance Assistance $ 90,000.00 Identified for Further Review
FL State of Florida FMA Technical Assistance Application $ 50,000.00 Identified for Further Review
FL FMA-FY19 Clay County Elevation #1 $ 138,442.50 Identified for Further Review
FL Santa Rosa County FY 2018 FMA - Elevation of SRL Homes within SFHA $ 555,160.00 Identified for Further Review
FL FY2018 FMA- Seminole County- Acquisition/ Demolition $ 90,137.54 Identified for Further Review
FL Pasco County Elevation #1 $ 177,450.00 Identified for Further Review
FL FMA FL-2019-059 FY19 City of Jacksonville Mitigation Reconstruction of RL Home $ 175,591.52 Identified for Further Review
FL FMA-FY19 Santa Rosa Island Authority Mitigation Reconstruction #1 $ 190,000.00 Identified for Further Review
FL FY2019 FMA Mitigation-Reconstruction $ 478,355.00 Identified for Further Review
FL Redington Beach Elevation Project $ 731,530.57 Not Selected
FL Redington Beach Mitigation Reconstruction Project $ 667,281.22 Not Selected
FL Pasco County Mitigation Reconstruction #2 $ 150,000.00 Not Selected
FL Pasco County Mitigation Reconstruction #1 $ 133,462.50 Not Selected
FL FMA-FY19 Clay County Elevation #3 $ 57,802.50 Not Selected
FL FMA-FY19 Clay County Elevation #2 $ 126,027.56 Not Selected
FL Santa Rosa County FY 2018 FMA - Flood Mitigation of Flood-Prone Home $ 149,332.50 Not Selected
FL Santa Rosa County FY 2018 FMA - Acquisition and Demolition of Flood-Prone Homes $ 568,202.62 Not Selected
FL Santa Rosa County FY 2018 FMA - Elevation of Flood-Prone Homes within SFHA $ 389,276.25 Not Selected
FL FY2019 FMA Monroe County Mitigation Project - Elevation $ 261,712.50 Not Selected
FL Pasco County Elevation #2 $ 102,077.83 Not Eligible
FL FMA-2019-Volusia-County-Elevation-#2 $ 374,325.00 Not Eligible
GA Georgia FMA 18 Technical Assistance $ 50,000.00 Identified for Further Review
IL 2018 Lake County IL Property Acquisition Project (SRL/RL) $ 1,322,484.50 Not Selected
IL Village of Villa Park Sugar Creek Watershed Drainage Improvements $ 4,205,999.99 Not Eligible
IL Crestwood Gardens Subdivision Drainage/Stormwater Management Project $ 1,499,999.99 Not Eligible
IL FY19 FMA Managment Cost $ 392,714.29 Not Eligible
IA State of Iowa FMA 2018 Management Cost $ 27,018.60 Identified for Further Review
IA State of Iowa FMA 2018 Advanced Assistance $ 98,488.00 Identified for Further Review
IA Scott County, IA - Yarham Acquisition $ 138,868.00 Identified for Further Review
IA 2018 City of Bettendorf FMA Property Acquisition $ 6,302,658.00 Not Selected
KY FMA 2018 Management Costs - Kentucky $ 941,343.83 Identified for Further Review
KY Technical Assistance 2019 - Kentucky $ 37,500.00 Identified for Further Review
KY Louisville MSD - 2018 FMA Waldoah Beach $ 2,135,262.95 Identified for Further Review
KY Salt Lick Church of God Project $ 478,395.18 Identified for Further Review
KY Medford RL $ 362,155.50 Identified for Further Review
KY Lawrence County Wren Lane SRL Acquisition/Demolition Project $ 186,375.00 Identified for Further Review
KY Harmony Village Elevation Projects $ 1,960,275.70 Identified for Further Review
KY Tartans Landing Elevation Project $ 906,321.88 Identified for Further Review
KY Wayland Acquisition Project $ 825,720.00 Identified for Further Review
KY Green Briar Farms Mitigation Project $ 385,718.00 Identified for Further Review
KY Louisville MSD - 2018 FMA Orville Drive $ 684,605.02 Identified for Further Review
KY Louisville MSD - 2018 FMA Transylvania RL $ 1,256,073.53 Identified for Further Review
KY North Fork Little River Acquisition/Demolition $ 309,477.93 Not Selected
KY 2018 Repetitive Loss Properties $ 664,816.57 Not Selected
KY Louisville MSD - 2018 FMA Elba Drive $ 429,961.27 Not Selected
KY Belknap Beach Elevation Project $ 639,450.00 Not Eligible
LA GOHSEP FMA SMC FY2018 Application $ 2,037,145.03 Identified for Further Review
LA CNO FMA 2018 Advance Assistance for Data Collection on SRL Home Elevations $ 44,258.00 Identified for Further Review
LA Louisiana JP/Gretna 25th Street FY18 FMA - Community Flood Mitigation Project $ 10,000,000.00 Identified for Further Review
LA FMA 2018 - Vermilion App. #1 $ 1,264,005.24 Identified for Further Review
LA City of Slidell 2018 FMA Grant- Application #1 $ 2,404,694.00 Identified for Further Review
LA City of New Orleans 2018 FMA Residential Elevation Project $ 4,172,098.39 Identified for Further Review
LA Terrebonne Parish 2018 FMA Elevation Mitigation of SRL Structures $ 255,456.00 Identified for Further Review
LA City of Denham Springs Acquisition Elevation Project $ 1,437,388.00 Identified for Further Review
LA Lafayette Consolidated Government Acquisition Project $ 2,645,011.00 Identified for Further Review
LA JP 2018 Climate Resilient Mitigation - Reconstruction $ 2,939,521.36 Identified for Further Review
LA JP 2018 Climate Resilient Mitigation - Elevation $ 11,170,115.44 Identified for Further Review
LA FMA 2018 - Erath App. #1 $ 2,232,261.60 Identified for Further Review
LA City of Slidell 2018 FMA Grant- Application #2 $ 2,216,881.00 Identified for Further Review
LA City of New Orleans 2018 FMA Non-Residential Elevation Project $ 345,150.00 Identified for Further Review
LA City of Mandeville 2018 Elevation of Severe Repetitive Loss Structure $ 352,439.07 Identified for Further Review
LA City of New Orleans 2018 FMA Historic Districts Elevation Project $ 5,280,182.00 Identified for Further Review
LA Richland Parish Police Jury Acquisition $ 625,700.00 Identified for Further Review
LA 2018 FMA Calcasieu Elevations and Acquisitions $ 3,190,010.00 Identified for Further Review
LA East Baton Rouge Parish Elevations & Acquisitions $ 8,209,620.66 Identified for Further Review
LA Ascension Parish RL/SRL Elevation Application $ 1,468,058.00 Identified for Further Review
LA Acadia Parish SRL/RL Elevation Project $ 1,743,685.35 Identified for Further Review
LA FMA 2018 - Vermilion App. #2 $ 967,998.95 Identified for Further Review
LA Tangipahoa Parish FMA 2018 RL/SRL Elevations and Acquisitions $ 1,900,901.00 Identified for Further Review
LA City of Walker Rl/SRL Elevation Project $ 646,020.11 Identified for Further Review
LA Livingston Parish 2018 FMA Application $ 2,313,390.00 Identified for Further Review
LA Jean Lafitte FMA-R $ 1,037,236.50 Not Selected
LA Jean Lafitte Non-Residential Elevation $ 3,382,192.50 Not Selected
LA Jean Lafitte FMA-E $ 6,001,650.00 Not Selected
LA FMA 2018 Home Elevation $ 946,617.63 Not Selected
LA Terrebonne Parish 2018 FMA Elevation Mitigation of RL Structures $ 443,061.54 Not Selected
LA 2018 FMA Advanced Assistance Calcasieu Parish $ 48,750.00 Not Eligible
LA St. Tammany FMA 2018 Elevation $ 6,651,528.34 Not Eligible
LA FMA 2018 - Vermilion App. #3 $ 1,656,159.74 Not Eligible
LA FMA 2018 - Vermilion App. #4 $ 1,558,278.76 Not Eligible
MD FY18 FMA MEMA Management Cost $ 17,497.41 Identified for Further Review
MD Baltimore Advanced Assistance $ 124,974.14 Identified for Further Review
MD Somerset County Flood Plan $ 33,298.85 Identified for Further Review
MA 2018 FMA State Management Costs - Massachusetts $ 24,538.00 Identified for Further Review
MA 904.2 - Advance Assistance - Walnut Street Flood Mitigation Study $ 75,000.00 Identified for Further Review
MA Town of Scituate Elevation Grant $ 170,380.00 Identified for Further Review
MO FY18 FMA Management Cost MO $ 228,454.78 Identified for Further Review
MO FMA FY 18 SRL-RL Competitive Flood Mitigation Project City of Peculiar Detention $ 2,235,105.75 Identified for Further Review
MO FMA FY18 SRL Competitive Flood Mitigation Project City of Pacific Buyout $ 508,690.00 Identified for Further Review
MO FMA FY18 SRL-RL Competitive Flood Mitigation Project Peculiar MO $ 302,268.00 Identified for Further Review
MT City of Deer Lodge Advance Assistance FMA Grant $ 52,500.00 Identified for Further Review
NE 2018 Nebraska Management costs $ 9,950.00 Identified for Further Review
NE City of Lincoln Flood Mitigation Master Plan $ 74,625.00 Identified for Further Review
NE City of Hebron Acquisition Project $ 145,842.30 Not Selected
NJ FMA 2018 - Management Cost Application $ 993,498.05 Identified for Further Review
NJ City of Cape May Seawall Development $ 87,097.50 Identified for Further Review
NJ NJOEM - FMA 2018 Technical Assistance $ 50,000.00 Identified for Further Review
NJ Township of Egg Harbor Flood Mitigation Assistance $ 24,933.33 Identified for Further Review
NJ Township of Upper Flood Mitigation Assistance $ 25,000.00 Identified for Further Review
NJ Pleasantville City Flood Mitigation Assistance $ 11,840.25 Identified for Further Review
NJ Toms River Township Flood Mitigation Assistance $ 12,494.98 Identified for Further Review
NJ FMA 2018 Township of Pequannock New Jersey - Elevations $ 3,362,771.00 Identified for Further Review
NJ FY2018 Berkeley Township Flood Mitigation Assistance (1) $ 352,049.33 Identified for Further Review
NJ Wayne Township, NJ 2018 FMA application $ 2,382,100.00 Identified for Further Review
NJ Green Brook Township 2018 FMA Acquisitions $ 945,372.00 Identified for Further Review
NJ Township of Egg Harbor Acquisition Project $ 2,453,608.00 Identified for Further Review
NJ Ocean City 2018 FMA Residential Elevations $ 6,257,740.00 Not Selected
NJ Atlantic County Home Elevation Project 2018 $ 2,270,523.13 Not Selected
NJ North Wildwood Flood Mitigation Project $ 883,275.75 Not Selected
NJ FY2018 Berkeley Township Flood Mitigation Assistance (2) $ 838,556.28 Not Selected
NJ FY2018 Berkeley Township Flood Mitigation Assistance (3) $ 450,000.00 Not Eligible
NJ FY2018 Berkeley Township Flood Mitigation Assistance (4) $ 675,575.00 Not Eligible
ND ND Management Costs $ 411,156.90 Identified for Further Review
ND City of Fargo FY18 FMA - Community Flood Mitigation Project - WWTP Flood Plan $ 3,679,792.50 Identified for Further Review
ND Cass County Flood Property Buyout $ 518,131.80 Not Selected
OH State of Ohio FMA 2018 Management Cost Application $ 66,324.43 Identified for Further Review
OH State of Ohio FMA 2018 Technical Assistance Application $ 49,998.25 Identified for Further Review
OH FMA SRL 2018 $ 596,580.00 Identified for Further Review
OH Village of Valley View 2018 FMA Project $ 674,535.00 Not Selected
OH City of Avon 2018 Flood Mitigation Assistance Project $ 206,373.00 Not Selected
OH Village of Wellsville FMA 18 Flood Mitigation Project $ 48,712.00 Not Selected
OH FMA RL 2018 $ 232,665.00 Not Selected
OH St. Marys FMA Application 2018 $ 710,523.00 Not Selected
OH Village of Ottawa Ohio FMA Acquisition Project $ 381,150.00 Not Selected
OK 15720 N Western Oklahoma City Acquisition $ 230,548.00 Identified for Further Review
PA 2018 FMA Management Costs $ 182,217.60 Identified for Further Review
PA State PA FY 18 FMA Advanced Assistance Lackawaxen Watershed Mitigation $ 100,000.00 Identified for Further Review
PA 2018 FMA Technical Assistance $ 37,500.00 Identified for Further Review
PA Acquisition and Demolition of 913 Port Providence Road $ 320,200.00 Identified for Further Review
PA FMA 2018 Lycoming 1 Property RL $ 234,450.00 Identified for Further Review
PA FMA 2018 Chester Twp.Toby Farms Acquisition $ 932,136.00 Identified for Further Review
PA Selinsgrove Borough, South Front Street Elevations $ 263,160.00 Not Selected
PA Yardley Borough Mitigation Reconstruction Project $ 150,000.00 Not Eligible
PA FMA19 - Property Acquisitions and Elevation $ 1,216,700.00 Not Eligible
PA Yardley Borough Elevation Project $ 3,330,000.00 Not Eligible
PA HMA 2018 White Township and Indiana Borough Flood Mitigation Projects $ 1,489,875.00 Not Eligible
SC FY 2018 SCDNR Technical Assistance/Management Cost Grant $ 53,532.71 Identified for Further Review
SC FMA: City of Charleston RL Property Acquisition $ 481,794.35 Identified for Further Review
SC ELEVATE 1820 ALICE DR $ 174,180.00 Not Selected
SC FMA: City of Charleston Historic Elevation Project $ 143,545.05 Not Selected
SC Town of Mount Pleasant Flood Mitigation Project $ 24,375.00 Not Eligible
SC City of Folly Beach 509 W. Ashley Ave Property Flood Mitigation $ 112,500.00 Not Eligible
TN FMA - MWS-SW Acquisition/Demolition of Six (6) RL Properties $ 1,104,016.50 Not Selected
TN Flood Mitigation for the City of Memphis, Emergency Operations Center $ 198,750.00 Not Eligible
TN State of Tennessee Management Cost $ 97,707.75 Not Eligible
TX TWDB FY 2018 FMA Management Cost $ 1,721,148.61 Identified for Further Review
TX Jersey Village E127 Design Advance Assistance $ 100,000.00 Identified for Further Review
TX DD6 Amelia Cutoff FMA Community Flood Mitigation Project $ 3,184,500.00 Identified for Further Review
TX JCDD6 Byrd Gully Drainage Improvements Community Flood Mitigaiton Project $ 533,850.00 Identified for Further Review
TX Elinor St. Project Community Flood Mitigaiton Project $ 1,119,900.00 Identified for Further Review
TX JCDD6 McLean Street Drainage Community Flood Mitigation Project $ 3,030,435.00 Identified for Further Review
TX City of Houston Elevation Mitigation Project 2018 $ 11,170,967.00 Identified for Further Review
TX City of Houston Elevation Mitigation Project 2018 NO.2 $ 5,015,377.35 Identified for Further Review
TX Nassau Bay 2018 FMA home elevations $ 3,513,411.86 Identified for Further Review
TX Friendswood 2018 FMA Buyout Application $ 2,282,567.00 Identified for Further Review
TX Hardin County FY2018 FMA Acquisition $ 382,567.78 Identified for Further Review
TX City of Houston Acquisition Project 2018 $ 1,246,648.30 Identified for Further Review
TX City of Paris FMA Acquisition $ 189,500.00 Identified for Further Review
TX Jersey Village Home Elevations 2019 $ 782,003.00 Identified for Further Review
TX City of Castroville FMA Advanced Assistance $ 75,000.00 Not Eligible
TX City of Corinth Flood Reduction Projects $ 2,521,118.20 Not Eligible
TX Ditch 609 South China Relief Community Flood Mitigaiton Project $ 4,961,658.00 Not Eligible
TX San Marcos Blanco Riverine Flood Mitigation $ 12,748,680.00 Not Eligible
TX Jersey Village Mitigation Reconstruction 2019 $ 300,000.00 Not Eligible
TX Hays County Community Flood Mitigation Project - FMA $ 7,921,747.50 Not Eligible
UT Kanab City Flood Mitigation Assistance $ 4,000,000.00 Not Eligible
UT Utah 2018 FMA Management $ 299,991.63 Not Eligible
VT Springfield Reservoir Dam Breach Engineering Design - Advance Assistance $ 27,108.00 Not Eligible
VT State of Vermont 2018 FMA (MC) $ 2,002.00 Not Eligible
VA Virginia FMA 2018 Management Costs $ 631,901.50 Identified for Further Review
VA City of Virginia Beach Advanced Assistance Bow Creek Study $ 99,999.00 Identified for Further Review
VA FMA 2018 Technical Assistance - Virginia $ 37,500.00 Identified for Further Review
VA FMA 2018 City of Portsmouth - Addendum to the Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan $ 24,975.00 Identified for Further Review
VA City of Norfolk Mitigation Reconstruction of 1 Property $ 150,000.00 Identified for Further Review
VA FMA 2018 Chesapeake Acquisition of 5 Severe Repetitive Loss Properties $ 1,072,071.00 Identified for Further Review
VA City of Hampton Elevation of 1 Property $ 547,000.00 Identified for Further Review
VA City of Norfolk Elevation of 11 Properties $ 3,221,164.00 Identified for Further Review
VA FMA 2018 Northern Neck PDC Elevation of Floodprone Homes $ 757,236.15 Identified for Further Review
VA Middle Peninsula PDC Ware Cove Mitigation Reconstruction $ 150,000.00 Not Selected
VA FMA 2018 James City County Elevation of Lift Station $ 460,425.00 Not Eligible
VA City of Virginia Beach Community Flood Mitigation Thalia Creek Gate Project $ 3,750,240.00 Not Eligible
VA City of Virginia Beach Club House Road Drainage Improvement $ 1,447,719.00 Not Eligible
VA Middle Peninsula PDC Captain Sinclair Mitigation Reconstruction $ 99,000.00 Not Eligible
WA Washington State FY 2018 FMA Management Costs Subapplication $ 138,364.10 Identified for Further Review
WA Chehalis Basin Strategy CFAR Early Focus projects $ 829,757.99 Identified for Further Review
WA Thurston County 2018 Home Elevation Grant $ 334,998.66 Identified for Further Review
WA Skagit County Floodplain Acquisitions $ 321,000.00 Not Eligible