National Qualification System
Resource Typing
Mutual Aid
Incident Command System
Emergency Operations Centers
Communities across the nation experience a diverse set of threats, hazards, and events. The size, frequency, complexity and scope of these incidents vary, but all involve a range of personnel and organizations to coordinate efforts to save lives, stabilize the incident, and protect property and the environment.
Every day, jurisdictions and organizations work together to share resources, integrate tactics, and act collaboratively. Whether these organizations are nearby or are supporting each other from across the country, their success depends on a common, interoperable approach to sharing resources, coordinating and managing incidents, and communicating information.
The National Incident Management System (NIMS) defines this comprehensive approach.

Download the National Incident Management System Doctrine.
National Qualification System
The National Qualification System (NQS) provides a foundational guideline on the typing of personnel resources within the NIMS framework, plus supporting tools.
Supplemental Guidance & Tools
Overarching NIMS guidelines for the National Qualification System, plus two supplemental guides for qualification review boards and coaches/evaluators.
View All Guides
NQS Job Titles and Position Qualifications
Minimum qualifications criteria for personnel serving in defined incident management and support positions.
View All Criteria

NQS Position Task Books
Competencies, behaviors, and tasks that personnel should demonstrate to become qualified for a defined incident management and support position.
View All Position Task Books

OneResponder is web-based application for resource management, hosted in a cloud environment that is free and accessible to all members of the whole community.
Learn More About OneResponder

Resource Typing
Resource typing is defining and categorizing, by capability, the resources requested, deployed and used in incidents. Resource typing definitions establish a common language and defines a resource’s (for equipment, teams, and units) minimum capabilities. NIMS resource typing definitions serve as the common language for the mobilization of resources.
Resource Typing Library Tool

Resource owners and providers should inventory and maintain current information on their shareable resources. Resource inventories should be adaptable and scalable. While a resource inventory can be as simple as a paper or electronic spreadsheet, many resource providers use information technology (IT) based inventory systems.
The Incident Resource Inventory System (IRIS) is a distributed software tool, provided at no-cost by FEMA. IRIS allows users to identify and inventory their resources for mutual aid operations and share information with other agencies.
Incident Resource Inventory System

Mutual Aid
Mutual aid agreements already exist in various forms among and between all levels of government. These agreements authorize mutual aid between two or more neighboring communities, between all jurisdictions within a state and between states. Agreements can also be with and between private sector entities, NGOs and other whole-community partners. The emergency management community should consider resources and capabilities across the whole community, and develop written agreements that facilitate access to potentially needed resources.
NIMS Guideline for Mutual Aid

Incident Command System Resources
The Incident Command System (ICS) is a management system designed to enable effective and efficient domestic incident management by integrating a combination of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and communications operating within a common organizational structure. It enables incident managers to identify the key concerns associated with the incident—often under urgent conditions—without sacrificing attention to any component of the command system.
ICS is normally structured to facilitate activities in six major functional areas:
- Command
- Operations
- Planning
- Logistics
- Intelligence and Investigations
- Finance and Administration
Incident Command System Resources

NIMS Intelligence & Investigations Function Guidance

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Functional Guidance
FEMA’s National Integration Center is publishing the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Functional Guidance. The Guidance provides instruction on integrating communications, information technology and cybersecurity functions into the ICS structure while adhering to the concepts and principles of the NIMS doctrine.
Information and Communications Technology Functional Guidance

Emergency Operations Centers
Jurisdictions establish Emergency Operations Centers (EOC) to meet their unique requirements and needs, so no two EOCs are designed exactly the same. Within this section, FEMA has provided tools and resources for building or maintaining EOCs, in accordance with NIMS.
Emergency Operations Center Skillsets
Modified Position Task Book approaches to qualify EOC personnel while remaining flexible to accommodate diverse EOC organizational structures.
View All Skillsets

Emergency Operations Center Toolkit
The EOC Toolkit cover topics such as hazard vulnerability assessments, physical site selection, mitigation considerations, capabilities and requirements, information management systems, as well as training and exercises.
Download the EOC Toolkit

Reference and Resources

Download the Incident Action Planning Process

Senior Leaders Toolkit
Includes quick reference guides and a NIMS senior leader briefing template to help emergency management and senior leaders understand their role and responsibility during incidents.
Download the Senior Leaders Toolkit

Emergency Operations Center Quick Reference Guide
The EOC How-to Quick Reference Guide is a collection of guidance and best practices, which will contribute to developing an EOC that can successfully meet the jurisdiction’s needs. The updates include considerations for virtual and hybrid working environments.
Download the EOC Quick Reference Guide