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Agricultural Structure

A structure used solely for agricultural purposes in which the use is exclusively in connection with the production, harvesting, storage, drying, or raising of agricultural commodities, including the raising of livestock. Communities must require that new construction or substantial improvements of agricultural structures be elevated or floodproofed to or above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) as any other nonresidential building.

Under some circumstances it may be appropriate to wet-floodproof certain types of agricultural structures when located in wide, expansive floodplains through issuance of a variance. This should only be done for structures used for temporary storage of equipment or crops or temporary shelter for livestack and only in circumstances where it can be demonstrated that agricultural structures can be designed in such a manner that results in minimal damage to the structure and its contents and will create no additional threats to public safety.

New construction or substantial improvement of livestock confinement buildings, poultry houses, dairy operations, similar livestock operations and any structure that represents more than a minimal investment must meet the elevation or dry-floodproofing requirements of 60.3 (c) (3).

National Flood Insurance Program Requirements

  • 59.1 - Definition
  • 60.3 - Flood plain management criteria for flood-prone areas
    • (a) (1) - Development Permit
    • (a) (3) - Reasonably Safe From Flooding
    • (c) (3) - A Zone Nonresidential Buildings
    • (c) (5) - Openings

Floodplain Management Requirements for Agricultural Structures and Accessory Structures