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Building Private-Public Partnerships Webinar

 Building Private-Public Partnerships

FEMA will host a series of 60-minute engagement webinars to discuss the P3 guide and answer stakeholders’ questions.

日期: 七月 26, 2021

时间: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

位置: 虚拟


FEMA releases Building Private-Public Partnerships. The guide provides recommendations and best practices for jurisdictions to establish and maintain a private-public partnership to help coordinate mitigation, response and recovery planning and preparedness. The guide will help public and private sector emergency managers at all levels collaborate to increase community resilience.

FEMA will host a series of 60-minute engagement webinars to discuss the P3 guide and answer stakeholders’ questions. The webinars will be open to the whole community. Advance registration is required. 

In addition, FEMA will host another webinar.
