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Estes Park Flood Map Open House

日期: 四月 1, 2021
时间: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
位置: 虚拟
Join via zoom - Meeting ID: 871 766 8202
Following the September 2013 flood disaster, the state of Colorado took steps toward long-term planning and resiliency efforts for flooding and other natural hazards. In early 2015, the state legislature passed a funding bill for the Colorado Hazard Mapping Program with the goal of reducing future risk to communities across the state. One effort from this was to restudy and update flood risk information in watersheds impacted by the 2013 floods. On January 26, 2021 the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) released preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) based on this updated information.
Join the City of Estes Park, the Colorado Water Conservation Board, and FEMA on Thursday, April 1 to review this project.
Meeting ID: 871 766 8202
This meeting is required to be fully accessible to people with disabilities and the electronic version of meeting or training materials will be accessible to people with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation (sign language interpreters, Braille, CART, etc.), please e-mail or call 303-235-4908.
Jennifer Waters 970-577-3740 or