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Iowa State and Local Level Referrals
When a disaster occurs, local governments often work together with community leaders and organizations to provide on-the-ground emergency management. You may also reference our national-level referrals list.
Please contact us with questions or corrections.
For reference, the local resources we list provide disaster recovery services in the categories noted below.

For reference, see the full list of disaster recovery service categories covered in the below local resource list.
These resources are provided solely for the information of individuals using this page. When you go to another website you are subject to its privacy policies. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.
Iowa State and Local Level Referrals
Use the "Search" field to look for categories or types of assistance.
Category | Entity | Type of Assistance | Telephone Number |
Access and Functional Needs and Disabilities | Iowa Compass - Disability Information & Referral Helpline | Information on state and public resources for citizens with disabilities. | 800-779-2001 Call or Text Live Chat available through website |
Access and Functional Needs and Disabilities | Iowa Office of Deaf Services | Counseling, training, communications devices, and interpreter services. | 515-242-5655 |
Aging Services | Iowa Department on Aging | This service links those who need assistance with state and local area agencies on aging and community-based organization. | 515-725-3333 800-532-3213 |
Aging Services | Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging | This service links those who need assistance with state and local area agencies on aging and community-based organization. | 1-800-779-8707 |
Aging Services | Connections: Area Agency on Aging -Southwest Iowa | Older adults and their caregivers affected by the disaster. Serves Adair, Adams, Cass, Cherokee, Clarke, Decatur, Fremont, Harrison, Ida, Mills, Monona, Montgomery, Page, Plymouth, Pottawattamie, Ringgold, Shelby, Taylor, Union, and Woodbury Counties | 800-432-9209 |
Aging Services | Elderbridge Area Agency on Aging -North Central Iowa | Older adults and their caregivers affected by the disaster. Serves Lyon, Osceola, Dickinson, Emmet, Sioux, O'Brien, Clay, Palo Alto, Kossuth, Winnebago, Worth, Mitchell, Hancock, Cerro Gordo, Floyd, Buena Vista, Pocahontas, Humboldt, Wright, Franklin, Sac, Calhoun, Webster, Hamilton, Crawford, Carroll, Green, Audubon, Guthrie counties. | 1-800-243-0678 |
Aging Services | Northwest Aging Association | Older adults and their caregivers affected by the disaster. Serves Buena Vista, Clay, Dickinson, Emmet, Lyon, O’Brien, Osceola, Palo Alto and Sioux counties. | 800-242-5033 712-262-1775 |
Aging Services | Heritage Area Agency on Aging | Older adults and their caregivers affected by the disaster. Serves Benton, Cedar, Iowa, Johnson, Jones, Linn, Washington counties. | 800-332-5934 319-398-5559 |
Aging Services | Aging Resources of Central Iowa | Older adults and their caregivers affected by the disaster. Serves Polk, Boone, Dallas, Jasper, Madison, Marion, Story, and Warren counties. | 800-747-5352 515-255-1310 |
Agricultural Aid | Iowa USDA Farm Service | USDA's Farm Service Agency (FSA) provides emergency loans to help producers recover from production and physical losses due to drought, flooding, other natural disasters, or quarantine. | 515-254-1540 855-218-8672 |
Agricultural Aid | Iowa Rural Development Agency | USDA Rural Development provides low interest mortgages, guaranteed mortgages, 1% interest mortgages for seniors, loans for repairs and mortgage payment assistance for families living in rural areas. | 515-669-5691 515-284-4663 |
Animals/Pets | Iowa Department of Agriculture: Animals and Livestock | Information on animals during evacuation, shelter, strays, disease, disposal | 515-281-5321 |
Citizenship | |||
Consumer Services | Iowa Attorney General's Office - Consumer Protection | Information on price gouging and consumer complaint services. | 515-281-5926 888-777-4590 |
Contractors | Iowa does not require the licensure of general contractors. Contractors must register with state. | ||
Contractors | Licensing for plumbers & electricians is done at the local level. | ||
Crisis Counseling | Iowa Suicide & Crisis Hotlines | 24-hour and toll-free suicide prevention service available to all those in suicidal crisis who are seeking help. Directory of crisis lines and mental health services. | Emergency: 911 800-784-2433 800-273-8255 Online directory for local hotlines and offices |
Crisis Counseling | Foundation 2 Crisis Counseling | 24-hour and toll-free suicide prevention service available to all those in suicidal crisis who are seeking help. | Emergency: 911 800-332-4224 319-362-2174 |
Crisis Counseling | Iowa Concern Hotline-Mental Health | 24-hour and toll-free suicide prevention service available to all those in suicidal crisis who are seeking help. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Help with legal, finance, stress and crisis or disaster. | Emergency: 911 800-447-1985 Online live chat available |
Disaster Specific Information | |||
Disaster Unemployment Assistance | Iowa Workforce Department - Unemployment Division (Customer Assistance Service Ctr) | When Disaster Unemployment Assistance is activated, the agency will provide disaster information. This assistance provides weekly benefit payments to those out of work due to the disaster, including self-employed persons, farm and ranch owners, and others not covered under regular unemployment insurance programs. | 866-239-0843 |
Disaster Unemployment Assistance | Iowa Workforce Development Offices - IowaWORKS Centers | Directory of IowaWORKs Centers. IowaWORKS Centers located throughout the state provide services for individuals, like unemployment and career exploration, and services for businesses, like labor market information and job fairs | See directory for local centers |
Environment | Iowa Attorney General: Environment Law Division | The Environmental Law Division represents the State of Iowa in issues affecting the environment. The majority of the division's work involves representing the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, and the Iowa Comprehensive Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Fund Board | 515-281-5164 |
Environment | Iowa Department of Natural Resources: Environmental Protection | Information about protection of natural resources, conservation, septic tank inspection, field services and directory of field locations. | 515-725-8200 Report a spill: 515-725-8694 |
Essential Needs | Iowa Department of Human Services - Food Assistance | Application assistance for public assistance benefits such as food assistance. | 800-972-2017 TTY: 800-735-2942 |
Essential Needs | Iowa Department of Public Health - WIC Program | WIC (Women Infants, & Children) is a supplemental nutrition program for babies, children under the age of 5, pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and women who have had a baby in the last 6 months. Nutrition evaluation and monthly vouchers to receive free supplemental, highly nutritious foods such as cereal, cheese, milk, eggs, peanut butter and dried beans. | 515-281-7689 TTY: 1-800-735-2942 |
Essential Needs | Northeast Iowa Food Bank | Disaster survivors seeking emergency food assistance. Serves Mitchell,Howard,Winneshiek, Allamakee, Floyd, Chickasaw, Fayette, Clayton, Butler, Bremer, Grundy, Black Hawk, Buchanan, Delaware, Tama, Poweshiek counties | 515-281-4121 800-457-4416 |
Essential Needs | Food Bank of Iowa | Disaster survivors seeking emergency food assistance. Serves Osceola, Dickinson, Emmet, Kossuth, Winnebago, Worth, O'Brien, Clay, Palo Alto, Hancock, Cerro Gordo, Buena Vista, Pocahontas, Cherokee, Humboldt, Wright, Franklin, Sac, Calhoun, Webster, Hamilton, Hardin, Carroll, Green, Boone, Story, Marshall, Audubon, Guthrie, Dallas, Polk, Jasper, Adair, Madison, Warren, Marion, Adams, Union, Clarke, Lucas, Taylor, Ringgold, Decatur counties. | 515-564-0330 |
Essential Needs | HACAP Food Reservoir | Disaster survivors seeking emergency food assistance. Serves Benton, Linn, Iowa, Johnson, Jones, Cedar, Muscatine, Washington, Henry counties | 319-393-7811 |
Essential Needs | River Bend Food Bank | Disaster survivors seeking emergency food assistance. Serves Dubuque, Jackson, Clinton, Scott, Muscatine | 563-345-6490 |
Essential Needs | Food Bank Siouxland | Disaster survivors seeking emergency food assistance. Serves Lyon, Sioux, Plymouth, Woodbury, Monona, Cherokee, Ida, Crawford, | 712-255-9741 |
Essential Needs | Heartland Food Bank (Omaha Nebraska) | Disaster survivors seeking emergency food assistance. Serves Harrison, Shelby, Pottawattamie, Cass, Mills, Montgomery, Freemont, Page | 402-331-1213 |
Essential Needs | Mid-Iowa Community Action | Disaster survivors seeking emergency food, shelter, clothing, medical, crisis counseling, rental, or utility assistance. Serving Hardin, Marshall, Powshiak, Jasper, Story, Tama Co | 641-752-7162 |
Essential Needs | Center for Siouxland | Disaster survivors seeking emergency food, shelter, clothing, medical, crisis counseling, rental, or utility assistance. Serving Cherokee, Ida, Lyon, Monona, O'Brien, Osceola, Plymouth, Sioux, Woodbury Counties | 877-580-5526 712-252-1861 |
Family & Protective Services | Iowa Department of Human Services - Abuse Hotline | Individuals concerned with children at risk for abuse and neglect. | Emergency: 911 800-362-2178 |
Family & Protective Services | Iowa Department of Human Services: Dependent Adult Protective Services | Individuals concerned with possible elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation. | Emergency: 911 800-362-2178 |
Family & Protective Services | Iowa Child Care Client Portal | Search database for child care providers. | Online search |
Financial Assistance | Iowa Department of Human Services: Family Investment Program (FIP) | The Family Investment Program (FIP) is Iowa's Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program. FIP provides cash assistance to needy families as they become self-supporting so that children may be cared for in their own homes or in the homes of relatives | 800-972-2017 TTY: 800-735-2942 Report a change: 877-347-5678 |
Financial Assistance | Iowa Department of Human Services - General Information | Information and application assistance in filing for state financial assistance programs. | 800-972-2017 TTY: 800-735-2942 |
Financial Assistance | U.S. Small Business Administration Disaster Customer Service Center (SBA) | Low interest mortgages, personal property, and economic injury loans are available to homeowners, renters, and business owners affected by the disaster. | 800-659-2955 TTY: 800-877-8339 |
Fraud | Consumer Complaint | Online and printable complaint forms available. | 515-281-5926 888-777-4590 |
Health Care Services | Iowa Department of Human Services - Medicaid | Information and application assistance in filing for state financial assistance programs including Medicaid. | 800-972-2017 TTY: 800-735-2942 Report a change: 877-347-5678 |
Health Care Services | Iowa Department of Human Services - HAWK-I (Healthy & Well Kids In IA) | Information and application assistance in applying for the State Children's Health Insurance Program (S-CHIPS) which provides free or low cost medical insurance for children. | 800-257-8563 TTY: 800-735-2942 |
Housing | Iowa Rural Development Agency | USDA Rural Development provides low interest mortgages, guaranteed mortgages, 1% interest mortgages for seniors, loans for repairs and mortgage payment assistance for families living in rural areas. | 515-284-4663 |
Housing | Iowa Housing Search | Socialserve.com staff will assist callers. Resource to help you find a rental home that fits your needs and budget | 877-428-8844 |
Identity Theft | Consumer Complaint | Identity Theft resources & information | 515-281-5926 |
Insurance | Iowa Insurance Division | General insurance information and fraud reporting services. | 877-955-1212 515-281-5705 |
Legal Services | The Iowa State Bar Association - Lawyer Referral Service | Information and referrals to attorneys providing legal services to individuals affected by a disaster. | 800-457-3729 515-243-3179 |
Legal Services | Iowa Legal Aid | Information and referrals to attorneys providing free and reduced fee legal services to individuals affected by a disaster. | 800-532-1275 |
Legal Services | Iowa Legal Hotline for Older Iowans (60 and older) | Information and referrals to attorneys providing free and reduced fee legal services to individuals affected by a disaster. | 800-992-8161 |
Roadside Assistance | Iowa Department of Transportation: Automated Road Conditions and Travel Information | Recorded road condition information | 511 800-288-1047 |
Social Security | |||
Tax Preparation | Iowa Department of Revenue | State tax information assistance | 800-367-3388 515-281-3114 |
Veterans Services | Iowa Department of Veteran Affairs | Information regarding veteran benefits including pensions, medical care, home loans, burial, and life insurance. | 800-838-4692 515-252-4698 Crisis: 800-273-8255 |
Vital Statistics | Iowa Department of Transportation - Motor Vehicle Division | Duplicate drivers licenses, auto registration and title services. Online services available. | General: 515-239-1101 Drivers License: 515-244-8725 |
Vital Statistics | Vital Records Department of Iowa | Replacement birth/death/marriage certificates and other vital document services. | 515-281-4944 |
Referrals Last Updated: May 2024