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Nonprofit Security Grant Program


Funding Totals

NOFOs & Documents

The Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) provides funding support for target hardening and other physical security enhancements and activities to nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of terrorist attack. The intent is to integrate nonprofit preparedness activities with broader state and local preparedness efforts. It is also designed to promote coordination and collaboration in emergency preparedness activities among public and private community representatives, as well as state and local government agencies.

FEMA published a funding notice on Oct. 28, 2024 for the $210 million remaining appropriated by the National Security Supplemental (Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024). This opportunity is called the Nonprofit Security Grant Program National Security Supplemental (NSGP-NSS). Key program enhancements include expanding eligibility to include consortia of nonprofit organizations as eligible subrecipients. The application deadline for State Administrative Agencies (SAAs) is Jan, 24, 2025. The application deadline for subapplicants is determined by your SAA. Contact your SAA for details on the application deadline. More information can be found in the NSGP-NSS documents, available here.


Nonprofit Security Grant Program Awareness Training Videos

Nonprofit Security Grant Program Snapshot

Learn about Nonprofit Security Grant Program funding for community organizations, including places of worship, and where to go for information about applying.

Thumbnail of the Preparedness Grants Manual report cover

Reference this manual for policies and procedures on managing preparedness grants.

How to Apply

Visit the NSGP application process webpage or read our blog to get steps on how to apply.

Prevention Resource Finder

Visit DHS website to find federal resources to prevent targeted violence.

Hazard Prevention & Deterrence

Visit to find resources on hazard prevention.

NSGP-NSS Outreach Slides

NSGP-NSS Post NOFO Release Webinar Slides

Learn from People Who Received the Grant

In this video, members of the Sri Siva Vishnu Temple explain why they applied for Nonprofit Security Grant Program funding to improve the safety of their place of worship.

Reasons to Apply for a Nonprofit Security Grant – Testimonial

Join Our Listserv

Sign up to receive more information about NSGP or for future webinars and technical assistance.

Protecting Houses of Worship

Visit CISA website to find resources to help improve the security of an organization’s congregants and facilities.

Annual Funding Totals

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FEMA has announced final awards for the FY 2024 preparedness grants. Please see Information Bulletin No. 517 for more information.

National Security Supplemental

Total funding available: $210 million*

  • Nonprofit Security Grant Program National Security Supplemental - UASI (NSGP-NSS-U) - $105 million
  • Nonprofit Security Grant Program National Security Supplemental - State (NSGP-NSS-S) - $105 million

*Funded by the remaining $210 million from the National Security Supplemental (Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024)

FY 2024

Total funding available for fiscal year 2024: $454.5 million*

  • Nonprofit Security Grant Program - UASI (NSGP-U) - $227.25 million
  • Nonprofit Security Grant Program - State (NSGP-S) - $227.25 million

    *Includes $180 million from the National Security Supplemental (Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024)

FY 2023

Total funding available for fiscal year 2023: $305 million

  • Nonprofit Security Grant Program - UASI (NSGP-U) - $152.5 million
  • Nonprofit Security Grant Program - State (NSGP-S) - $152.5 million

FY 2022

Total funding available for fiscal year 2022: $250.15 million

  • Nonprofit Security Grant Program - UASI (NSGP-U) - $125 million
  • Nonprofit Security Grant Program - State (NSGP-S) - $125 million
  • Community Project Funding - (CPF) -$150K

FY 2021

Total funding available for fiscal year 2021: $180 million

  • Nonprofit Security Grant Program - UASI (NSGP-U) - $90 million
  • Nonprofit Security Grant Program - State (NSGP-S) - $90 million

NOFOs and Ancillary Documents

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The Nonprofit Security Grant Program National Security Supplemental (NSGP-NSS) Notice of Funding Opportunity is available below, as well as on

لا بد أن تضع المنظمات غير الربحية بعين الاعتبار استخدام هذه الوثيقة كمرجع عند إعداد الطلبات لبرنامج المنح الأمنية غير الربحية (NSGP).

illustration of page of paper Release Date:

في السنة المالية (FY) 2024، تقدم وزارة الأمن الداخلي الأمريكية (DHS) 434.5 مليون دولار لأعمال تقوية المنشآت وغيرها من التحسينات المادية وتحسينات الأمن السيبراني والأنشطة للمنظمات غير الربحية المعرضة لخطر كبير من الهجمات الإرهابية وغيرها من الهجمات المتطرفة. .

illustration of page of paper Release Date:

المنح المالية غير الربحية للسنة المالية 2024 الأسئلة المتكررة للبرنامج

illustration of page of paper Release Date:

Previous Years' NOFOs and Documents