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Updated in 2023, the FEMA Acronyms, Abbreviations and Terms (FAAT) PDF contains a full listing of commonly used terms.

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2 (1) | A (65) | B (31) | C (93) | D (49) | E (45) | F (94) | G (15) | H (40) | I (41) | J (5) | L (21) | M (41) | N (73) | O (25) | P (71) | R (51) | S (76) | T (24) | U (16) | V (23) | W (18) | Z (40)

Job-Share Position

A full-time position that is occupied by more than one person. For example, a fire department may hire two part-time staff persons at 28 hours each to fulfill the scheduled work hours of one 56-hour shift position.

Glossary Section: AFGP - Assistance to Firefighters Grants Program


Joint Field Office.

Glossary Section: NDRF - National Disaster Recovery Framework

Joint Field Office (JFO)

A temporary Federal multi-agency coordination center established locally to facilitate field-level domestic incident management activities, and provides a central location for coordination of Federal, State, local, tribal, nongovernmental, and private-sector organizations with primary responsibility for activities associated with threat response and incident support.

Glossary Section: NDHS - National Disaster Housing Strategy

Juvenile Firesetter Intervention

A program designed to reduce the number of fires and burn injuries caused by children experimenting with fire.

Glossary Section: AFGP - Assistance to Firefighters Grants Program


The common name for the area, with defined political boundaries, which is served by the building department. Jurisdictions are usually incorporated locations, recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau. Jurisdictions include, but are not limited to, cities, towns, townships, boroughs, villages, counties, and parishes.

Glossary Section: Building Code Adoption Tracking