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Hazard Mitigation Assistance Training

Trainings are designed to help FEMA regional partners and state, local, tribal, and territorial governments create effective hazard mitigation plans that meet FEMA’s requirements and reduce risk in their communities.

FEMA provides both classroom and online independent study courses for staff, as well as state, local, territorial, and tribal government employees through the Emergency Management Institute or through their State Hazard Mitigation Officer.

Additionally, several advanced trainings and technical assistance related to pertinent areas in hazard mitigation assistance are available. These range from webinar recordings to on-demand workshops.

Emergency Management Institute

The Emergency Management Institute (EMI) serves as the national focal point for the development and delivery of emergency management training to enhance the capabilities of federal, state, local, tribal and territorial government officials, volunteer organizations and the public and private sectors to minimize the impact of disasters.

To register for classes, visit the EMI training catalog and search with the below course codes.

  • Developing Quality Application Elements (0212): Participants learn how to identify eligible mitigation projects and activities and develop quality mitigation planning and project grant application elements for HMA grant programs.
  • Application Review and Evaluation (0213): Participants learn how to effectively review and evaluate HMA subapplications. Content covers conducting a subapplication minimum eligibility and completeness review and a technical review, identifying the selection, notification, and appeals or reconsideration process for subapplications, and issuing a subaward package.
  • Project Implementation and Closeout (0214): Participants learn how  to effectively implement and closeout a HMA Grant project. Content covers how to apply regulatory requirements and best practices related to implementation phases and how to apply project management principles through the use of best practice, tools, and templates.

Insurance and Mitigation Readiness Division

IMRD is the central coordination body for Resilience post-disaster work. This body is charged with the management and oversight of the agency's third largest workforce, the Hazard Mitigation Cadre. It is mainly in charge of advancing the HMA Cadre Training curriculum.

If you're interested in attending or hosting field offerings for these trainings, or have other technical assistance needs, please contact the Hazard Mitigation Training team or the appropriate FEMA regional office.

To learn more about Hazard Mitigation Assistance, watch the Intro to HMA video on YouTube.