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Current Landscape

To ensure that the 2022-2026 FEMA Strategic Plan (Strategic Plan) postures the agency to meet the immediate and future needs of the nation, it is critical to understand the challenges and opportunities the emergency management community may face over the next decade.

October 2022 will mark a decade since Hurricane Sandy, which resulted in legislative reforms that spurred FEMA to drastically improve the efficiency and quality of disaster assistance. As COVID-19 and climate change continue to reshape society, FEMA must look beyond disasters for lessons learned to assess future risks as catalysts for change.

To inform the Strategic Plan, the agency conducted an environmental scan of internal and external evidence to assess its operating environment, identify key issues, and determine capability gaps that could impact the future of both FEMA and the nation.

Stakeholder Engagement

Creating a comprehensive strategic plan required input from a diverse range of stakeholders. These viewpoints helped to articulate the most critical challenges facing the agency and the broader emergency management community, and inform the goals and objectives they will pursue together over the next five years.

Input was collected from the public through a Climate and Equity Request for Information as well as at various FEMA events designed to discuss FEMA’s efforts and elicit feedback. Through a series of conversations and workshops, FEMA connected with over 1,000 members of the agency’s workforce and senior leadership, and more than 400 external partners spanning all sectors, levels of government, and a wide range of disciplines — including federal and territorial partners, state and local governments, over 50 tribal nations, private and nonprofit partners, and the academic community.

50+ Tribes

A child wearing traditional tribal head gear
Three people in FEMA vests walk together away from the camera

1,000+ FEMA Employees

400+ Partners

FEMA employee working in a field location