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Section 508 Program - IT Policy and Governance (ITPGOV)

Our Mission

What We Do

Get Help with a 508 Compliance Question

508 Overview

508 Program. Our Vision: Taking proactive measures to ensure comparable access to FEMA information for disaster survivors, members of the public and personnel with disabilities. Providing the strategic direction through a range of policy, governance, outreach, technical support, training and compliance activities. Our Mission: Lead the agency-wide implementation of Section 508 compliance policies and procedures across all life cycle processes. Our Values: Compassion Fairness Integrity Respect Accessibility

Our Mission

Lead the agency-wide implementation of Section 508 compliance policies and procedures across all life cycle processes.

Our Vision

Taking proactive measures to ensure comparable access to FEMA information for disaster survivors, members of the public and personnel with disabilities. Providing the strategic direction through a range of policy, governance, outreach, technical support, training, and compliance activities.

Our Values

  • Compassion
  • Fairness
  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Accessibility

Guiding Principles

  • Implementing Section 508 requires a change in culture
  • Policies and procedures drive accessibility
  • Standardizing accessibility solutions is the shortest path to full inclusion
  • Accessibility is best achieved by including the needs of people with disabilities in all phases of a product lifecycle

What We Do

Section 508 Program Activities

  • Implements governance to ensure Information and Communication Technology (ICT) accessibility is part of decision-making activities across all life cycle processes.
  • Evaluates and reports on FEMA’s compliance with Section 508 requirements.
  • Provides Section 508 and ICT accessibility training along with supporting educational resources.
  • Conducts outreach awareness events to increase understanding of the values and benefits in making ICT products accessible.
  • Offers Section 508 guidance and technical assistance to FEMA personnel, disaster survivors and customers with disabilities.

Strategic Direction

  • Responsible for implementing agency-wide Section 508 and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) awareness and compliance.
  • Establishes ICT compliance processes and procedures across FEMA divisions.
  • Ensures FEMA employees, disaster survivors and members of the public with disabilities have comparable access to FEMA information and data.
  • Collaborate with FEMA personnel to procure, develop, use and maintain accessible ICT applications and systems.

Get Help with a 508 Compliance Question

Accessibility benefits everyone. Read on for services our team provides to help ensure comparable access to FEMA information for everyone.

Tasks Our Team Can Help With

  • Interpret Section 508 technical standards and requirements.
  • Test websites, software, and mobile applications for Section 508 compliance.
  • Review procurement packages for Section 508 compliance language
  • Provide guidance in using the DHS Accessibility Requirements Tool (DART) 2.1.
  • Find solutions and resources for ensuring ICT compliance.
  • Collaborate with system owners, program managers or developers on integrating applicable Section 508 requirements across all life cycle processes.

Who Should Contact Us?

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All inquiries should be emailed to

FEMA employees who need assistance with Section 508 compliance.

FEMA managers responsible for FEMA projects and operations.

FEMA developers needing guidance on complying with 508 technical standards and requirements.

FEMA employees, disaster survivors or customers with disabilities who have a specific request or concern regarding accessibility of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) products.

Section 508 Overview

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is committed to providing accessible Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to individuals with disabilities, including members of the public, disaster survivors and federal employees, by meeting or exceeding the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794d), as amended in 1998.

Section 508 is a federal law that requires agencies, during the procurement, development, maintenance or use of ICT, to ensure that individuals with disabilities have access to and use of ICT information and data comparable to the access and use afforded to individuals without disabilities (i.e., "ICT accessibility"), unless an undue burden would be imposed on the agency. The law applies to software and hardware with a user interface, all public facing electronic content (web and non-web) and to non-public facing electronic content that is "agency official communication or business" along with support services and documentation.

The Section 508 standards are the technical requirements and criteria that are used to measure conformance within this law. More information on Section 508 and the technical standards can be found on the GSA Section 508 website.

If you have feedback or concerns related to the accessibility of any content on this website, please contact: Please indicate:

  • The nature of your accessibility problem
  • What format you prefer to receive the material in
  • The web address (URL) of the material with which you are having difficulty
  • Your contact information

If you believe the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) used by FEMA does not comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, you may:

If you have comments and/or questions related to the agency’s Section 508 Program, please contact the FEMA Section 508 Team at

Section 508 Laws and Policies