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Hazus Success Stories

A wide range of projects and organizations use Hazus. Explore innovative and effective uses of Hazus in our collection of success stories and best practices below.

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The Hazus Team worked with the U.S. Coral Reef Task Force to map coastal flood losses avoided due to coral reef protection across Hawaii. Results from this project can help guide future nature-based mitigation initiatives.

Public agencies in the U.S. and Canada used Hazus in a collaborative project to determine the potential impact of earthquakes and other natural disasters across the Pacific Northwest, a region with multiple vulnerabilities.

An innovative study by the USGS, in coordination with FEMA, looked at damage estimate increases in several New York counties following Hurricane Sandy. The study reviewed building damage estimates at storm landfall, two weeks after the storm, and three months later.

The primary focus of this study was to evaluate the impacts of floodplain management through higher regulatory standards and policy actions. In addition to evaluating the impacts of floodplain regulations, this study examined a traditional mitigation project in Longmont, Colorado.
To help Hawaii’s disaster managers better prepare for and respond to potentially devastating earthquakes, the Pacific Disaster Center (PDC)—in collaboration with Hawaii State Civil Defense and the Hawaii State Earthquake Advisory Committee (HSEAC)—has created the Hawaii HAZUS Atlas (HHA).