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Resilience Analysis and Planning Tool (RAPT)

The Resilience Analysis and Planning Tool gives everyone access to powerful data and GIS mapping that can help everyone understand their community.

Access RAPT

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Access RAPT Resource Center

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RAPT has more than 100 preloaded layers that include community resilience indicators, current census data, infrastructure and hazards. Tools are easy to use and download.

Future RAPT is available for use and testing today as the tool transitions to a new platform.

Climate Risk and Resilience Portal

Climate change is increasing the complexity, intensity, and frequency of disasters. The Climate Risk and Resilience Portal (ClimRR) provides cutting-edge science for climate projections to help improve America’s preparedness for future climate extremes. Data layers from ClimRR can be combined with RAPT data to contextualize local-scale climate.

Visit the ClimRR Portal

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Grant Equity Threshold Tool (GETT)

The Grant Equity Threshold Tool provides important information regarding community populations in Climate & Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST) Disadvantaged communities, FEMA's Community Disaster Resilience Zones (CDRZs) and FEMA's Community Resilience Challenges Index (CRCI) communities. It also provides grant applicants with benefitting area shapefiles that can be submitted with their application. This tool can help grant applicants demonstrate how their potential benefitting area supports the Justice40 Initiative by focusing efforts on disadvantaged communities and Tribal Lands.

Visit the GETT Portal

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Supporting Documents

Supporting documents for the Resilience Analysis and Planning Tool can be found below.

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Please email us with questions or to share how you are using RAPT.