LOMC Application Status
Automated Status by State
Flood Hazard Determination Notices
Letters Of Final Determination
Completed Map Changes
Contact Us
Check the status of your Letter of Map Change (LOMC) application, learn more about map change activities by state, and how to stay informed of other information regarding flood map changes.
Letter Of Map Change (LOMC) Application Status
If you submitted a LOMC application through Online LOMC, FEMA's tool to submit amendment or revision requests, you may check the status of your application by logging into your Online LOMC account.
If you submitted a LOMC application using the MT-EZ, MT-1 or MT-2 paper forms via mail, review the Letter of Map Change Status & Description Explanations to understand the statuses and descriptions for paper form applications.
Automated Status Information
Obtain an automated report regarding FEMA map change activities within a state.

Understand the status information provided in these reports:
- Letter of Map Change Status and Description Explanations - Describes the statuses for paper form applications.
- Study Status and Description Explanations - Before the results of a flood study (referred to as Flood Insurance Study or FIS) are shown on a legally adopted FIRM, there are certain procedural steps that a FIRM goes through as part of the adoption process.
Flood Hazard Determination Notices
National Flood Insurance Program regulations require the publication of public notices each time FEMA proposes new or modified flood hazard information, including the addition/modification of Base Flood Elevations (BFEs), base flood depths, Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) boundaries and zone designations or regulatory floodways. These notices are published to start the statutorily required appeal periods for the affected communities.
If your LOMR is currently in a public appeal period, you can check the status and view determination documents, you can view Flood Hazard Determination Notices in the Federal Register or view Proposed Flood Hazard Determination Notices.
Letter Of Final Determination Lists
A Letter of Final Determination (LFD) is sent to a community stating that a new FIRM will become effective in six months and each participating flood prone community must adopt a new or updated compliant floodplain management ordinance by that effective date or demonstrate that it has a valid automatic adoption clause.
The LFD list is a consolidated list of all LFDs distributed to communities for a specific FIRM effective date. It is prepared biweekly on predetermined LFD dates.
Learn More about Letters of Final Determination
Completed Map Changes
You can review a list of all the changes made to the National Flood Insurance Program maps in a given six-month period, including:
- Physical Map Revisions
- Letters of Map Revision
- Letters of Map Amendment
- Letter of Map Change batch files
- Product Availability catalog
FEMA’s Map Service Center (MSC) provides a listing of available products by state, county and community.
Search All Products at the Map Service Center

Contact Us
If you have questions regarding a map change for an area of interest, please contact a map specialist at the FEMA Mapping and Insurance eXchange (FMIX) for additional assistance.
Please collect the following information about your inquiry prior to contacting the FMIX:
- Name(s) of the community(ies) affected by the map change
- Name of the county(ies) in which the communities are located
- Type of map change request:
- FEMA-contracted study or restudy
- Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR)
- Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA)
- Conditional Letter of Map Amendment (CLOMA)
- Letter of Map Revision Based on Fill (LOMR-F)
- Conditional Letter of Map Revision Based on Fill (CLOMR-F)