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Information Quality Standards

Public Law 106-554, Section 515, otherwise known as the Data Quality Act (or Information Quality) requires federal agencies to issue guidelines ensuring and maximizing the quality, utility, objectivity, and integrity of information disseminated by the Federal government.

The Data Quality Act was enacted in December 2000 and builds on the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA).  Information Quality applies to agencies subject to the PRA. 


Information Quality is unique in its scope in that it includes influential scientific, financial, and statistical information.

If a federal agency releases influential scientific, financial, or statistical information to the public that you believe is erroneous, you may petition the government to correct the error.

Contact DHS

FEMA follows the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) standardized process for Information Quality.  For more information on Information Quality or to petition FEMA to address an Information Quality issue, visit the DHS website.