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Get to Know the Claims Office Staff: Claims Navigator Katherine Valdez Marquez

Release Date
Katherine Valdez Marquez

"I believe that the Claims Office will be a positive presence for claimants that builds relationships of trust in the community."

Katherine joins the Claims Office as a Claims Navigator. Prior to her current position, she was a finance specialist with San Miguel County. Before that she was an internal auditor with the Bank of Las Vegas.

What motivated you to apply for this position?

I was one of the individuals affected by the fire. I was evacuated for almost a month. When I evacuated to Memorial Middle School, I saw that there was a lot of uncertainty. I wanted to help people. I want to help people get through the claims process and get compensation for their losses. I know a lot of these people through my work at the county, they’re my neighbors and friends. People have been very positive, and everyone has welcomed the help navigating the process. I’m honored that I’m part of this team.

What's the most important thing you want people to know?

That we are local people here to assist them in recovering what they've lost. We understand what they went through because we went through it ourselves. We want to communicate that there’s local, state and nonprofit services available to assist claimants as well. There’s a presence of help. I believe that the Claims Office will be a positive presence for claimants that builds relationships of trust in the community.

Which Claims Office core value do you resonate with the most?

Fairness. After we gain the trust of people we have to follow through by being fair to everybody and treating everyone the same. Fairness is being consistent. We have to be consistent with the process and consistent with what we communicate and consistent in how we follow through with what we say we are going to do.

