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Denial of Assistance

Appeal Brief Appeal Letter

Appeal Brief

ApplicantState of Missouri Emergency Management Agency
Appeal TypeSecond
PA ID#xxx-xxxxx
PW ID#xxx
Date Signed2008-03-17T04:00:00

Appeal Letter

March 17, 2008

Duane R. Nichols
Deputy Director / Deputy GAR
State of Missouri Emergency Management Agency
Department of Public Safety
PO Box 116
Jefferson City, MO 65102

Re: Second Appeal–State of Missouri Emergency Management Agency, Denial of Assistance,
Lincoln and Warren Counties, FEMA-1676-DR-MO

Dear Mr. Nichols:

This is in response to your letter of October 15, 2007, submitting a second appeal on behalf of the State of Missouri Emergency Management Agency (State). The State requests that Lincoln and Warren Counties be added to the declaration (FEMA-1676-DR-MO) for Permanent Work under the Public Assistance (PA) program.

In a March 6, 2007, letter from David Garratt, Acting Director of Recovery, the request for PA Categories C-G for nine counties and the City of St. Louis was denied. Lincoln and Warren Counties were two of the nine counties listed. That letter established the 30-day appeal period, ending April 5, 2007.

On May 15, 2007, the Alternate Governor’s Authorized Representative (GAR) appealed the denial of federal assistance for permanent work for Lincoln and Warren Counties. The request was denied by the Regional Administrator on June 19, 2007, because the 30-day time limit for appealing denials for assistance had elapsed. The State did not appeal the denial of assistance or request an extension within the regulatory time limits found in 44 CFR §§206.46(b) and 206.46(d).

Pursuant to 44 CFR §206.46(b) the State is allowed a one time appeal of the denial of types of assistance to the Associate Director (now Assistant Administrator). The Regional Administrator responded to the first appeal. Therefore, I am responding to your letter to provide a response to the first appeal in accordance with the regulation.
I concur with the Regional Administrator’s decision on the first appeal which is consistent with program statute and regulations. This determination constitutes the final decision on this matter as set forth in 44 CFR §206.46(b).

Carlos J. Castillo
Assistant Administrator
Disaster Assistance Administrator

cc: Dick Hainje
Regional Administrator
Region VII