
FEMA is working to expand our reach so that our help is accessible for everyone. As part of these efforts, the agency recently hired Small State and Rural Advocate Patricia Pudwill.

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During winter months, fire dangers increase and claim more lives than any other time of year. In 2024 alone, 247 people have lost their lives. Additionally, thousands of people are displaced when homes are destroyed by fires, increasing homelessness numbers.

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We’re excited to share a new look for the homepage of that highlights important work being done across the nation by communities every day to become more resilient and to help those affected by disasters.

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Winter weather can be unpredictable and dangerous, especially when driving. Snow, ice and sleet can increase the risk of accidents.

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During Typhoon Mawar, wind speed in Guam reached approximately 140 mph, leaving behind a trail of damaged and destroyed homes. In response to the survivors’ needs for a safe, sanitary and secure home, FEMA initiated GUAM STRONG (Getting Urgent Assistance Mobilized to Support Typhoon Repairs ON Guam) to assist affected households by undertaking temporary emergency repairs to make homes habitable.

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The recent severe flooding in Idaho has increased interest in purchasing flood insurance to protect homes and personal property. Since the beginning of the year, the number of flood insurance policies throughout the state has increased by 13.3 percent to a total of 6,804. However, misperceptions and myths about flood insurance still exist. Here are the facts to correct some of the myths about the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which is administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

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In 2023, FEMA responded to more than 100 disasters. Survivors received more than $1.3 billion to jumpstart their recovery, with communities and states receiving nearly $12 billion to rebuild infrastructure damaged by disasters.

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Winter is here, and with it, the chilly temperatures. The costs of heating a home may be daunting, especially if you live in an old home or are experiencing financial hardships, but the quest for a warm, cozy home doesn’t have to break the bank.

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Decorating is one of the best ways to get in the holiday mood—unfortunately, the risk of injuries, fatalities and property damage increases during the holiday season due to hazards that can occur. To ensure a safe and joyful holiday season, use the following precautions when decorating your home.

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DHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships Director Marcus Coleman provides five considerations toward building alliances for climate action.

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