Eligible Costs

Appeal Brief Appeal Letter

Appeal Brief

ApplicantCity of Lubbock
Appeal TypeSecond
PA ID#303-45000-00
PW ID#PW 102
Date Signed2007-04-20T04:00:00


FEMA-3216-EM-TX, City of Lubbock, PW #102


Eligible Costs


Residents of several Gulf Coast communities were evacuated to the City of Lubbock, Texas (City), as a result of Hurricane Katrina during the time period of September 2 thru September 27, 2005. Evacuees who relocated to the City were provided temporary shelter and then were moved to interim housing. The evacuees were provided bus passes, for a period of one month, to allow mobility throughout the city to access grocery stores, medical facilities, drug stores, schools, etc. The cost was $35.00 per bus pass for 175 evacuees for a total cost of $6,125. In its first appeal dated December 27, 2005, the City requested reconsideration of the eligibility of the allowance of cost for the bus passes. The City stated that Lubbock is a very spread out city and the evacuees apartments were not within walking distance of grocery stores, medical facilities or schools. The City asserts that it acted according to the guidance dated September 10, 2005, from the Federal Coordinating Officer and the Texas State Coordinator. This memorandum states that, “Cost for bus passes and taxis services incurred by local jurisdictions are eligible as long as it is limited to a “reasonable amount.” The City also cited Disaster Specific Guidance #2, which states in part, Eligible Category B sheltering costs may include, but are not limited to, the reasonable costs for: “limited essential transportation to shuttle evacuees to and from aero medical transport sites, post offices, banks, shopping, and other essential trips while in congregate shelters.” FEMA denied the appeal in April 2006, stating that in order for the decision to be reconsidered, the Applicant would need to supply detailed documentation such as who received the passes and for what purpose. The City of Lubbock submitted a second appeal on June 8, 2006, and provided a list of 175 evacuees who had received bus passes.


Are the bus passes eligible costs for FEMA 3216-EM-TX?


Yes. Limited essential transportation to shuttle evacuees to and from aero medical transport sites, post offices, banks, shopping, schools, and other essential trips is eligible.


Disaster Specific Guidance #2 dated September 9, 2005.

Appeal Letter

April 20, 2007

Mr. Frank Cantu
State Coordinating Officer
Division of Emergency Management
Office of the Governor
9001 N. IH-35
Austin, TX 78753

Re: Second Appeal – City of Lubbock, PA ID# 303-45000-00, Eligible Costs,
FEMA-3216-EM-TX, Project Worksheet # 102

Dear Mr. Cantu:

This is in response to a letter from your office dated August 8, 2006, which transmitted the above referenced second appeal on behalf of the City of Lubbock (City). Specifically, the City is appealing FEMA’s determination that $6,125 for reimbursement for bus passes provided to Hurricane Katrina evacuees was ineligible under the Public Assistance Program.

Disaster Specific Guidance #2 states in part, “Eligible Category B sheltering costs may include, but are not limited to, reasonable costs for: limited essential transportation to shuttle evacuees to and from aero medical transport sites, post offices, banks, shopping, schools, and other essential trips.” The City submitted documentation showing the names of the evacuees who received bus passes along with their FEMA Individual Assistance identification numbers. Based on the above, I approve the City’s appeal.

By copy of this letter, I request that the Regional Administrator prepare a Project Worksheet to fund the $6,125 for bus passes provided to the evacuees.

Please inform the City of this determination. This determination is the final decision on this matter pursuant to 44 CFR §202.206.

David Garratt
Acting Assistant Administrator
Disaster Assistance Directorate

cc: William Peterson
Regional Administrator
FEMA Region VI

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