‘TIS THE SEASON TO STAY SAFE [https://www.fema.gov/press-release/20231214/tis-season-stay-safe] Release Date: 十一月 30, 2023 PHILADELPHIA – Do you know how to be #WinterReady? As winter settles in and we celebrate the holiday season, FEMA Region 3 is joining in on the spirit of fellowship and care by urging individuals and communities to prioritize your winter weather safety and preparedness.  The festive season brings joy and celebration, but it also comes with unique challenges, especially in colder climates. From navigating icy sidewalks to preparing for winter storms, here are some essential and practical tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable holiday season: * CREATE A WINTER EMERGENCY KIT: Assemble a kit containing essential supplies, including blankets, non-perishable food, water, medications, and a flashlight for your home. Keep essential supplies in your car as well, including food and water, a shovel, windshield scraper, blankets, tow chains, reflectors, and other supplies, in case you become stranded. * DEVELOP AN EMERGENCY PLAN: Establish a clear and concise communications plan with your loved ones so you know how to get in touch in an emergency. Before a winter storm or drop in temperatures, check in on your neighbors and friends, especially older adults or others who may have unique needs, to help them prepare.  * STAY INFORMED: Keep abreast of local weather forecasts and official alerts. Stay informed about any advisories, watches, or warnings issued by authorities. This information is critical for making timely and informed decisions during severe weather events. * PROTECT YOUR HOME: Winterize your home by insulating pipes, sealing drafts, and checking heating systems. Home heating is the second leading cause of home fires, and winter is when most home fires happen, so ensure that heating sources are in good working condition. Taking these precautions can prevent damage and ensure a warm and safe living environment. * PRACTICE SAFE DRIVING: If travel is necessary during adverse weather conditions, drive cautiously.It takes longer to slow down and stop on icy roads, so increase your following distance from 3-4 seconds to 5-6 seconds. Keep a winter emergency kit in your vehicle and be aware of road conditions.  As you're preparing this winter, follow along with FEMA’s #WinterReady campaign [https://www.ready.gov/winter-ready] and FEMA Region 3 on X, LinkedIn, and Nextdoor, as we share more preparedness tips and resources. We also invite you to join us for a free family-friendly holiday-themed webinar on Tuesday, December 12th at 3:30pm on Zoom. This webinar will be focused on sharing winter, holiday, and home fire safety tips, to help foster a safer and healthier environment for everyone. This fireside virtual event will intertwine the joy and peace of the holidays with safety and preparation.  Register here [https://fema.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_FrF39P4BQC-U_gtGp0W6LA#/registration] for the one of a kind "A Partridge and a Prepared Me" webinar. Once registered, you will receive an email with a link and passcode to join. Everyone is welcome to join, especially kids who would like to speak with a firefighter about home safety and hear a preparedness spin on a classic holiday tale. For more information, visit FEMA.gov [https://www.fema.gov/event/partridge-and-prepared-me-webinar]. ### _FEMA’s mission is helping people before, during, and after disasters. FEMA Region 3’s jurisdiction includes Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia._ _ Follow us on “X” at __twitter.com/femaregion3_ [http://msc.fema.gov/fmcv]_ and on LinkedIn at __linkedin.com/company/femaregion3_ [http://go.usa.gov/r6C]