FEMA PUBLIC ASSISTANCE [https://www.fema.gov/fact-sheet/fema-public-assistance-0] Release Date: 3月 21, 2023 Public Assistance (PA) is FEMA’s largest grant program providing funds to assist communities after a federally declared disaster or emergency. The program provides funding for emergency assistance to save lives and protect property and assists with funding for permanently restoring community infrastructure affected by a disaster. The State of Florida, local governments and certain private nonprofit organizations, including houses of worship, can apply for PA grants, which provide no less than 75 percent of the eligible cost for emergency measures and permanent restoration. FEMA and the state review applications and documentation of costs, including labor, equipment, materials, contract work and administrative costs. CATEGORIES OF PUBLIC ASSISTANCE EMERGENCY WORK Category A: Debris removal Category B: Emergency protective measures PERMANENT WORK Category C: Roads and bridges Category D: Water control facilities Category E: Public buildings and contents Category F: Public utilities Category G: Parks, recreation, and other facilities ADMINISTRATIVE COST Category Z: Administrative cost GRANT APPLICATION PROCESS After Hurricanes Ian and Nicole, the State of Florida conducted applicant briefings to inform potential applicants of the assistance available and how to apply. Applicants then filed a Request for Public Assistance (RPA) and identified damage that resulted from the disaster. FEMA determines eligibility for reimbursement after state review. The state manages PA funds received from FEMA. This includes disbursing the funds to the applicant.