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Hawaii Wildfires


灾难期: 8月 8, 2023 - 9月 30, 2023

日宣布日期: 8月 10, 2023



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Owners of Short-Term Rental Properties Wanted

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Hawaii (DR-4724-HI): Rumor Control and Frequently Asked Questions            
Help keep yourself, your family and your community safe after the Hawaii wildfires by being aware of rumors and scams and sharing official information from trusted sources.

Wildfire Response in Action

Visit FEMA's YouTube for videos in American Sign Language (ASL) on how to apply for disaster assistance.

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Help share important information in various languages including English, Hawaiian, Ilocano, Japanese, Korean, Spanish and Tagalog.            
Disaster Registration Flyer | Live Announcer Scripts | Disaster Multimedia Toolkit | Hawaii Wildfires 2023: Partners' Toolkit

View the latest images of FEMA and the federal response in our Hawaii Fires 2023 media collection.

Soiltac Application on Maui

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is applying Soiltac, a soil stabilizer, to the ash and debris footprints of burned buildings and vehicles to minimize dust generated when people return to their properties. The application of this stabilizer to ash and debris also minimizes the movement of ash and debris – and potential contaminants of concern – through the air and into local waterways and occupied properties.

For questions about EPA support for Maui wildfire response, call our hotline (808) 539-0555 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. HT daily or email

Additional Resources 


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Resources

The Hawaii Wildfire Response USACE page

The Honolulu District USACE Facebook page and social media outreach for Hawaii Wildfires

Department of Defense media site for Honolulu District USACE, which includes b-roll, articles, videos and pictures.


Maui Recovers Website

An official County of Maui website,, is providing vital information and assistance, including re-entry data, to those affected by the fires. The website includes:

Individuals can also subscribe to receive real-time updates tailored to assist those impacted by the fires. 

Disaster Unemployment Assistance 

For more information on how to apply for DUA visit the State of Hawaii Unemployment Insurance webpage


The State Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DLIR) is accepting applications for Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA).  The deadline for submitting a DUA application has been extended to October 26, 2023.  Applications submitted after the deadline will be considered untimely and DUA benefits may be denied unless the individual provides good cause for late filing.

HOW AND WHERE TO APPLY:  Individuals may apply for DUA online through or in person. 

Learn More:  English | More Languages 

Stay Safe

  • Residents and tourists should closely monitor and follow instructions from local officials.
  • For information on what to do before, during and after a wildfire, visit
  • For state and local safety information and updates, visit

Locate Family or Loved Ones

If you are trying to locate family or loved ones, call 1-800 RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) and select Option 4, then follow the voice prompts for "Hawaii Wildfires". The Maui County Emergency Management Agency set up a Family Assistance Center at the Kahului Community Center to help families locate missing loved ones.

Visit @Maui_EMA's Family Assistance Center at the Kahului Community Center to get help locating missing loved ones.

Hawaii Volunteer Organizations

Local and national Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters (VOADs) are coordinating to identify resources for unmet needs and provide emergency assistance to survivors. Those seeking to donate to the recovery efforts, can do so by visiting




不要在受灾区自我部署。受灾地区的那些值得信任的组织 知道哪里需要志愿者。与一个成熟的组织合作,确保你有适当的安全、培训和技能来应对。


与 FEMA(联邦紧急事务管理局)开展业务

如果你有兴趣为救灾提供有偿服务和货物,请访问我们的 "与联邦紧急事务管理局做生意 "页面,从那里开始。



个人协助 金额
住房援助 (HA) 总额 - 获批金额 $44,636,368.49
其他需求援助 (ONA) 总额 - 获批金额 $22,451,311.62
获批个人和家庭计划总额 $67,087,680.11
获批个人援助申请 7156
公共援助 金额
Emergency Work (Categories A-B) - Dollars Obligated $389,958,620.37
Permanent Work (Categories C-G) - Dollars Obligated $107,900,711.54
保留公共援助补助金总额 $506,136,817.77