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Public Assistance Second Appeals Tracker

This dataset is made up of Public Assistance Second Appeals administered by the Public Assistance Appeals, Audits, and Arbitration Branch at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The mission of the Public Assistance Appeals, Audits, and Arbitration Branch is to administer FEMA’s Public Assistance (PA) appeals system in a timely, efficient, consistent, and organized manner.  

They accomplish this mission by:

  • Adjudicating appeals and issuing timely final determinations
  • Training and supporting FEMA personnel working on appeals throughout the agency
  • Communicating agency policy and practice to FEMA regions and field staff
  • Analyzing trends in appeal filings and identifying issues that may require policy changes

Following is a link to download the weekly FEMA Public Assistance Second Appeals Tracker:  Download Document.

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If the downloaded document is not reflective of the current week, clear your browser cache and download the file again.