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Colorado Wildfires and Straight-line Winds
灾难期: 12月 30, 2021 - 1月 7, 2022
日宣布日期: 12月 31, 2021
Local Information
访问 新闻与媒体页面,了解事件、情况说明书、新闻发布和其他多媒体资源。
Mitigation Resources
Mitigation is defined as taking an action now to reduce future risk.
For example, a mitigation action is tying your shoe to prevent you from tripping and hurting yourself; purchasing a flood insurance policy to help you recover faster from a flood event.
Why is Mitigation Important?
Mitigation breaks the cycle of disaster damage, reconstruction and repeated damage. Hazard mitigation includes long-term, permanent solutions that reduce the impact of disaster in the future.
Who Can you talk to about Mitigation?
You can reach a mitigation specialist by phone on the FEMA Mitigation Helpline at:
833-FEMA-4-US (833-336-2487) from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Mountain Time on Monday through Friday
or email us anytime at:
Repair, Rebuilding Advice Available in Boulder County
Mitigation specialists from FEMA will be on hand to answer questions about home repair, ignition resistant construction, wind resistant construction, putting together supply kits, and hiring a contractor.
- Thursday, Feb. 24 – Tuesday, March 1: Ace Hardware, 1727 Main St, Longmont
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Monday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Tuesday.
Additional Local Mitigation Resources
Boulder County Permitting Office or call 303-413-7730 for Marshall Fire Info
City of Louisville Marshall Fire Rebuilding Process
Town of Superior – Marshall Fire Rebuilding Resources
Repairing and Rebuilding Resources from FEMA
Reconstruction After a High Wind Event
Wind Retrofit Guide for Residential Buildings
Mitigation Actions to take now
FEMA Home Builder’s Guide to Construction in Wildfire Zones
Questions to Ask Your Contractor Resources
Hmong News Releases & Fact Sheets
不要在受灾区自我部署。受灾地区的那些值得信任的组织 知道哪里需要志愿者。与一个成熟的组织合作,确保你有适当的安全、培训和技能来应对。
与 FEMA(联邦紧急事务管理局)开展业务
如果你有兴趣为救灾提供有偿服务和货物,请访问我们的 "与联邦紧急事务管理局做生意 "页面,从那里开始。
个人协助 | 金额 |
住房援助 (HA) 总额 - 获批金额 | $1,497,956.28 |
其他需求援助 (ONA) 总额 - 获批金额 | $636,450.27 |
获批个人和家庭计划总额 | $2,134,406.55 |
获批个人援助申请 | 948 |
公共援助 | 金额 |
Emergency Work (Categories A-B) - Dollars Obligated | $33,543,578.82 |
Permanent Work (Categories C-G) - Dollars Obligated | $1,311,291.39 |
保留公共援助补助金总额 | $35,519,632.40 |
减灾援助 | 金额 |
减灾赠款补助金计划 (HMGP) - 保留金额 | $4,919,217.45 |