New York Remnants of Hurricane Ida
געשעעניש תקופה: Sep 1, 2021 - Sep 3, 2021
דעקלאראציע טאג: Sep 5, 2021
שנעלע לינקס
- אפזוך רעסורס: שטאטיש & היגע | נאציאנאל
- פארבינדט: סאשעל מעדיע | מאביל אפ & טעקסט
- 24/7 קאונסעלינג: אומגליק נויט העלפליין
מער וועגן דעם דיזאַסטער
Now Closed: Period to Apply for Disaster Assistance
The last day for individuals and families to apply for assistance after this disaster has passed. You are no longer able to begin a new claim.
To check the status on a previously submitted claim, visit
I Was Told to Call the U.S. Small Business Administration
FEMA is not allowed to provide disaster assistance for certain losses covered by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) disaster loans. The SBA provides low-interest disaster loans to individuals and households to help with disaster losses. FEMA works with the SBA to determine if you may qualify for Personal Property Assistance, Transportation Assistance, or a Group Flood Insurance Policy.
FEMA will automatically refer you to the SBA to be considered for a disaster loan if you meet SBA’s income standards. FEMA uses your household annual gross income and number of dependents to determine if you should be referred to the SBA.
If you are referred to the SBA, FEMA will contact you via an auto-dialer system to explain how to apply for a disaster loan. You must complete and return a loan application to be considered for an SBA loan or certain types of FEMA assistance. You do not have to accept an SBA loan offer. However, if you are approved for an SBA loan, and you do not accept it, you will not be referred back to FEMA for personal property or transportation assistance.
For more information about the SBA disaster loan program, please call the SBA at 800-659-2955 (TTY: 800-877-8339). SBA information is also available at or by email at
Learn more about SBA loans
I Applied for Assistance. What's Next?
If You Have Insurance
Please contact your insurance company as soon as possible to file a claim. FEMA can only provide money after you get your insurance settlement. If your insurance doesn’t cover all of your home repair or rebuilding expenses, FEMA may be able to help.
FEMA can’t provide money for expenses covered by insurance or duplicate benefits from another source. When you get your insurance settlement or denial, please send a copy to FEMA as soon as you can.
If your insurance settlement is delayed more than 30 days from the time you file your claim, call the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362.
Learn more about the steps after applying
If You Do Not Have Insurance
FEMA will verify your disaster-caused losses. The agency will schedule a time to inspect your home if you reported damage to your home or personal property. Or FEMA will ask you to send documents to verify your expenses.
You will receive notification letters from FEMA either by mail or electronic correspondence explaining your next steps. If necessary based on the losses you reported, an inspector will contact you by phone to schedule an inspection. If you miss the call, they will leave a voicemail message and make multiple attempts to reach you. The inspector should not need to view repair receipts or pictures of the damage. But if you begin cleaning up before the inspection, FEMA suggests you take pictures, make a list of your losses, and keep receipts for all of your disaster-caused expenses.
Find a Housing Counselor
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides support to a nationwide network of housing counseling agencies (HCAs) and certified counselors. HUD-participating HCAs are approved and trained to provide tools to current and prospective homeowners and renters so they can make responsible choices to address their housing needs in light of their financial situations.
Verifying Home Ownership or Occupancy
FEMA is required to verify you lived at the address in your application as your primary residence before providing most types of assistance. FEMA is also required to verify you owned your home before providing home repair or home replacement assistance. Learn more about this process.
As part of our effort to make the disaster assistance process quicker and reduce the burden on applicants, we try to verify occupancy and ownership by using an automated public records search.
If we cannot verify you lived in or owned the home that you listed on your application, we will ask you to provide documents to prove occupancy and/or ownership to help us determine if you are approved for assistance.
How Do I Appeal the Decision?
If you receive a letter stating that you are not approved for assistance or that your application is incomplete, you can still complete the application or appeal the decision within 60 days of receiving a decision letter. The letter would either be mailed to you or placed into your Disaster Assistance Center account, if you have set up an account.
Learn more about appeals
Frequently Asked Questions and Rumors
Learn more about common disaster-related rumors and how to report fraud. You can also get answers to frequently asked questions about emergency shelters, disaster assistance, flood insurance and more.
Multilingual Resources
You can find social media graphics with important safety messaging in various languages, including English, Chinese, Spanish and Vietnamese.
We also have videos in American Sign Language (ASL) on topics including:
How to Help
Volunteer and Donate
Recovery can take many years after a disaster. There are many ways to help such as donating cash, needed items or your time. Learn more about how to help those in need.
Don’t self-deploy to disaster areas. Trusted organizations in the affected areas know where volunteers are needed. Work with an established organization to make sure you have the appropriate safety, training and skills needed to respond.
FEMA Voluntary Agency Liaisons (VALs) support the significant contributions of voluntary, faith-based, and community stakeholders active in disaster by building relationships – and coordinating efforts – with and across partner organizations and government agencies.
Doing Business with FEMA
If you are interested in providing paid services and goods for disaster relief, visit our Doing Business with FEMA page to get started.
If you own a business involved with debris removal and want to work on clean-up efforts in affected areas, please contact the local government in affected areas to offer your services.
לאקאלע רעסורסן
היגע אינפֿאָרמאַציע
לאקאלע נייעס און מעדיע
באזיכט די נייעס און מעדיע בלעטל, בלאט פאר געשענישן, פאקט צעטלעך דרוק מעלדונגן, און אנדערע מאלטימעדיערעסורסעס
Hurricane Ida Recovery Resources in New York Updates
FEMA provides regular updates of resources to survivors recovering from Hurricane Ida-NY. Please view the latest fact sheet for the most up-to-date application deadlines and information.
- View the news and media page to view events, news releases, facts sheets and multimedia.
Disaster Recovery Centers
At a Disaster Recovery Center, you can apply for FEMA disaster assistance, check the status of your application and get information about other resources available.
Disaster Recovery Centers are open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday, closed Sundays, view the list of our fixed locations.
On site Small Business Administration Representatives
Representatives are available to provide in-person assistance at Recovery Centers in the affected areas.
- Click here, then scroll to “Locations to receive assistance” for locations and hours of operation of Hurricane Ida Recovery Centers in New York
- Email:
- Call: 1-800-659-2955
How To Appeal
If you disagree with a FEMA decision about your eligibility for disaster assistance, remember that you have the right to appeal. Be sure to provide documentation of the damage that affected your essential living space or made your home uninhabitable. That includes repair estimates, contractor bids and photos. For more information and advice on the appeals process, see the: Tips for Appealing a Decision from FEMA Press Release.
Renters who live in the nine counties designated for federal assistance after Hurricane Ida can apply for FEMA assistance for necessary expenses and disaster-related serious needs not covered by insurance. Renters may be considered for help to replace personal property such as furniture, appliances, school supplies, vehicle repairs, medical and dental bills related to the disaster. For more information, call the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362, visit the nearest Disaster Recovery Center at or visit
Undocumented Immigrants
Undocumented immigrants who had losses or damage caused by Ida may be eligible for help from the Hurricane Ida Disaster Relief Fund managed by the New York State Office for New Americans. Call the CPC Brooklyn Community Services at 718-685-3315 for assistance and information. The deadline to apply is 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 26.
New Yorkers who lost their jobs as a direct result of Hurricane Ida may be eligible for Disaster Unemployment Assistance if you live or work in the Bronx, Dutchess, Kings, Nassau, Queens, Richmond, Rockland, Suffolk and Westchester counties. To be considered, applicants must be ineligible for other kinds of unemployment assistance. You must also explain how, when and where you lost your job. To apply, call the New York State Department of Labor at 866-642-7227. The deadline for filing for disaster unemployment benefits is Thursday, Nov. 18.
Clean Up After A Disaster
If you have a mold problem caused by Hurricane Ida, call your insurance company to file a claim. Mold can pose serious health risks and should be removed as soon as possible. If you live in one of the nine counties listed above and have not already applied for FEMA assistance, file an application. You may be eligible for a one-time $300 Cleaning and Sanitizing grant to help with Ida cleanup costs. Find tips about mold remediation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at Homeowner’s and Renter’s Guide to Mold Cleanup After Disasters | CDC.
Additional Federal Resources
Kirundi & Malay News Releases & Fact Sheets
ווי צו העלפֿן
וואָלונטירן און שענקען
דער אָפּזוך קען נעמען פילע יאָרן נאָך אַ ומגליק. עס זענען פילע וועגן צו העלפן, אַזאַ ווי שענקען געלט, נויטיק זאכן אָדער דיין צייט. לערן מער וועגן ווי צו העלפן די נויטיק.
דו זאלסט נישט צעוויקלען זיך אין ומגליק געביטן. טראַסטיד אָרגאַנאַזיישאַנז אין די אַפעקטיד געביטן וויסן ווו וואַלאַנטירז זענען דארף. אַרבעט מיט אַן געגרינדעט אָרגאַניזאַציע צו מאַכן זיכער אַז איר האָבן די צונעמען זיכערקייַט, טריינינג און סקילז צו ריספּאַנד צו.
FEMA וואָלונטאַרי אַגענטור ליאַיסאָנס (VAL) בויען באציונגען און קאָואָרדאַנאַט השתדלות מיט וואַלאַנטערי, אמונה-באזירט און קהל אָרגאַנאַזיישאַנז אַקטיוו אין דיזאַסטערז.
טאן ביזנעס מיט FEMA
אויב איר זענט אינטערעסירט אין פּראַוויידינג באַצאָלט באַדינונגס און סכוירע פֿאַר ומגליק רעליעף, באַזוכן אונדזער טאן געשעפט מיט FEMA בלאַט צו אָנהייבן.
אויב איר פאַרמאָגן אַ געשעפט וואָס איז ינוואַלווד מיט דעבריס באַזייַטיקונג און איר ווילן צו אַרבעטן אויף רייניקונג השתדלות אין אַפעקטאַד געביטן, ביטע קאָנטאַקט די היגע רעגירונג אין אַפעקטאַד געביטן צו פאָרשלאָגן דיין באַדינונגס.
פאַנדינג אַבלאַגיישאַנז
הילף פאר יחידים | סומע |
גאַנץ האָוסינג הילף (HA) - דאָללאַרס אַפּפּראָוועד | $202,146,196.10 |
גאַנץ אנדערע נויטיק הילף (ONA) - דאָללאַרס אַפּפּראָוועד | $22,428,274.16 |
גאַנץ יחיד און כאַוסכאָולדז פּראָגראַם דאָללאַרס אַפּפּראָוועד | $224,574,470.26 |
באוויליקט יחיד הילף אַפּלאַקיישאַנז | 41387 |
הילף פארן ציבור | סומע |
Emergency Work (Categories A-B) - Dollars Obligated | $32,987,303.20 |
Permanent Work (Categories C-G) - Dollars Obligated | $156,653,296.40 |
Total Public Assistance Grants Dollars Obligated | $199,797,179.60 |
Hazard Mitigation Assistance | סומע |
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) - Dollars Obligated | $22,061,679.55 |
דיאַסטער רעקאָווערי סענטרעס (DRC) רשימה
גאָרנישט צו ווייַזן.