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2023 HM Partners Workshop Call for Abstracts
The annual gathering of hazard mitigation stakeholders is an opportunity to share updates about mitigation grants and floodplain management, build stronger partnerships, and collaborate with FEMA.
Ngày tháng: Tháng 4 10, 2023 - Tháng 5 15, 2023
Thời gian: 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Vị trí: Virtual
Event Details
The Hazard Mitigation Partners Workshop, All Together for Climate Resilient Communities: Equity, Partnerships, Capability & Capacity, brings together Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) and Floodplain Management (FPM) for dedicated sessions and tracks.
Topics will focus on building mitigation champions, driving community resiliency, providing technical assistance for grant programs, and supporting overall mitigation. In line with key workshop themes, there is interest in abstracts highlighting efforts to reach or build capacity within disadvantaged communities.
Hazard Mitigation is "any action taken to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to human life and property from natural hazards." To align, abstracts examining the following topics are desired:
- Climate Change and Adaptation
- Nature Base Solutions and Future Conditions
- Equity in Mitigation Planning/Urban Planning
- Building Codes and Standards
- Capacity-Building/Direct Technical Assistance
- Reaching Disadvantaged Communities or Reaching Underserved and Socially Vulnerable Populations
Abstract Submission Process
Abstract submissions are to be sent by email. The Call for Abstracts submission period runs from Monday, April 10, 2023, to Monday, May 15, 2023. Accepted abstracts will be presented at the Workshop, which will be held virtually from Oct. 16-19, 2023.
The process for submitting abstracts is as follows:
- Send an email to
- In the Subject Line put: 2023 HM Workshop Abstract Submission
- Please list the following:
- Session title
- 200-500 words describing your session, its alignment with workshop themes and topics, and, if applicable, how it serves to include perspectives of disadvantaged communities in the workshop.
- Indicate which topic type from the above list aligns to your session.
- our intended audience. "This session is designed for [insert audience type]"
- Session type (see below)
- Session objectives and intended outcomes
- Length preference: 30 or 60 minutes
- If a question-and-answer period is planned for your session
Session Type
- Session: A single speaker (or two) who speak on a specific topic together with or without a question-and-answer period.
- Panel Discussion: A panel discussion is typically facilitated by a skilled panel moderator who guides the panel and the audience through a lively conversation about a specific topic, with or without a question-and-answer period.
- Training: A short term process utilizing systematic and organized procedures for individuals to acquire technical knowledge and skills.
For insight about the topics that were covered during the 2021 workshop, please view the full HM Partners Workshop Program.
Event Contact
Have questions or concerns? Email