Press Releases, Fact Sheets & Blogs
This page contains news and media items created as part of FEMA's COVID-19 response.

Disaster Declarations
On March 13, 2020, former President Trump declared a nationwide emergency pursuant to Sec. 501(b) of Stafford Act.
View Disaster Declarations
Press Releases, Fact Sheets and Blogs
WASHINGTON—Hôm nay, FEMA đã công bố sự chấp thuận dành cho 30 tiểu bang và District of Columbia đối với chương trình Hỗ trợ và Đào tạo Cố vấn Khủng hoảng.
Hướng dẫn này tóm tắt cách các tổ chức nên xem xét và quản lý nhu cầu thiết bị bảo hộ cá nhân (PPE) của họ trong khi vẫn đảm bảo việc bảo vệ nhân viên trong quá trình ứng phó với đại dịch coronavir
WASHINGTON - Là một phần của phản ứng trên toàn nước Mỹ đối với đại dịch COVID-19, FEMA đang nỗ lực giúp đỡ những nạn nhân của thảm họa, những người vô gia cư, và các chính quyền tiểu bang, địa phư
WASHINGTON - Sự khan hiếm nguồn lực y tế trong cuộc chiến chống lại COVID-19 là một vấn đề toàn cầu. Hoa Kỳ đang cạnh tranh để có được nguồn lực giống như nhiều quốc gia khác.
FEMA đang ban hành quyết định tạm thời ngừng thu tiền thuê nhà đối với những nạn nhân sống sót sau thảm họa sống trong nhà ở của FEMA ở các tiểu bang sau:
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: Safe Opening and Operation Work Eligible for Public Assistance (Interim) | April 2, 2021 (English) (Spanish)
- COVID-19 Funeral Assistance Individuals and Households Program Policy (Interim) | March 24, 2021 (English)
- Public Assistance Disaster-Specific Guidance - COVID-19 Declarations (English) | February 3, 2021
- Community Vaccination Centers Playbook (English) | February 18, 2021
- Medical Staffing Requests (English) | Updated on November 23, 2020
- COVID-19 Pandemic: Vaccination Planning FAQ (English) | November 19, 2020
- COVID-19’s Impact on the Human & Social Services Sector | October 23, 2020 (English)
- Interim Policy: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: Work Eligible for Public Assistance (FEMA Policy - FP 104-009-19) (English) | September 1, 2020
- Waiver of Private Nonprofit Primary Use and Primary Ownership Facility Policies Under the (COVID-19) Pandemic Declarations (English)
- Administrator Gaynor's Letter to State Directors and Agencies (English) | July 20, 2020
- Extension of Administrative Relief and Other Flexibilities for Recipients and Subrecipients of FEMA Financial Assistance for Response to or Direct Impacts from Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) per OMB Memorandum M-20-26 (English) | July 15, 2020
- Equal Rights Civil Rights Stakeholders Call Transcript May 6, 2020 (English) | (Spanish) | July 14, 2020
- FEMA and HHS Civil Rights Stakeholder Call Transcript April 17, 2020 (English) | July 14, 2020
- Important Information Regarding FEMA Temporary Final Rule on Prioritization and Allocation of Certain Scarce or Threatened Health and Medical Resources for Domestic Consumption (English) | July 6,2020
- Clarification of Applicability of OMB Memorandum M-20-20 to FEMA's Non-disaster Grants (English) | June 11, 2020
- FEMA Releases Guidance for Providing Mass Care During a Pandemic (English) | June 10, 2020
- Civil Rights COVID-19 Stakeholder Call Transcript - Meeting #2 (English) | (Spanish) | June 10, 2020
- FEMA Administrator June 1, 2020, Letter to the Nation's Emergency Managers (English) | June 1, 2020
- COVID-19 Policy: Medical Care Costs Eligible for Public Assistance (English) | May 9, 2020
- Grant Programs Directorate Procurement (Video) | May 1, 2020
- DHS and HHS Civil Rights Stakeholder Teleconference About COVID-19 (English) | April 30, 2020
- Planning Considerations for Organizations in Reconstituting Operations During the COVID-19 Pandemic (English) | April 30, 2020
- Short Term Administrative Relief for Recipients and Subrecipients of FEMA Financial Assistance With Awards Specifically Supporting the Response to the Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) per OMB Memorandum M-20-11 (English) | April 20, 2020
- FEMA Administrator April 15, 2020, letter to Emergency Managers (English) (Spanish) | April 15, 2020
- Ensuring Civil Rights During the COVID-19 Response (English) (Spanish) | April 14, 2020
- FEMA and HHS Civil Rights Stakeholder Teleconference About COVID-19 (English) | April 13, 2020
- Purchase and Distribution of Food Eligible for Public Assistance (English) (Spanish)| April 12, 2020
- HHS Letter to Hospital Administrators (English) (Spanish)| April 10, 2020
- FEMA Letter to Distributors on Delivery of Medical Supplies (English) (Spanish)| April 8, 2020
- COVID-19 Guidance: Short Term Administrative Relief for Recipients and Subrecipients of FEMA Financial Assistance Directly Impacted by the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Due to Loss of Operations (English) | April 1, 2020
- COVID-19 Guidance: Procurements Under Grants During Periods of Exigent or Emergency Circumstances (English) | April 1, 2020
- FEMA Administrator March 27, 2020, letter to Emergency Managers Requesting Action on Critical Steps (English) (Spanish) | March 27, 2020
To view and download graphics, visit our COVID-19 graphics collection.
Stay informed with what we are doing to support the whole-of-America response against Coronavirus by visiting the COVID-19 By The Numbers collection.
To view and download photos:
- DOD DVIDS: COVID-19 photo collection
- DHS EMERALD: FEMA COVID-19 Vaccine Support
- US Army Corps of Engineers: COVID-19 photo gallery
- US Army Corps of Engineers: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Philadelphia District COVID-19 photo gallery
- View the entire COVID-19 Support and Response playlist on YouTube.
- Or view these videos in American Sign Language (ASL).
- To view and download videos, visit the COVID-19 video collection.
- Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): COVID-19 video playlist
- U.S Department of Health and human Services (HHS): COVID-19 video playlist