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Ohio Severe Storms, Landslides, and Mudslides


Giai đoạn Xảy ra Biến cố: Th2 14, 2018 - Th2 25, 2018

Ngày Công bố: Th4 17, 2018

Các Nguồn Trợ giúp Địa phương

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New Public Assistance Delivery Model

In 2014, FEMA conducted an in-depth analysis of the existing Public Assistance program's delivery process. A comprehensive examination of the program revealed the program averages $4.7 billion annually in federal disaster assistance to state, local, tribal and territorial governments, and certain private non-profit organizations to repair or rebuild public infrastructure. However, the program had not evolved to meet the changing needs of its customers during the last 20 years. One of the shortfalls included using a one-size-fits-all approach to process projects, regardless of the project's size or cost.

Following months of analysis and restructuring, a new delivery model was designed to meet the needs of applicants by streamlining and categorizing projects. The goal moving forward is to deliver the program more efficiently to applicants as they work to rebuild public infrastructure after a disaster. FEMA now uses the Grants Manager and Grants Portal tool, which is a web-based, project tracking system for use by FEMA and our stakeholders. The tool captures Public Assistance program projects in formulation for a seamless transition to grant obligation. The model also uses Consolidated Resource Centers, which are centralized locations where subject matter experts are staffed to process grant applications across multiple disasters.

The new PA program delivery model was implemented using a phased approach. Following successful implementations with Iowa, Oregon, Georgia, Iowa, and in current disasters in New Hampshire, North Dakota, Vermont, Wyoming, and Missouri.  Delivery of Public Assistance now simplifies and improves the delivery of grants by deliberately targeting the early phases of the grants life-cycle in order to avoid challenges that historically arose post-award and during grant closeout. Beginning on September 12, 2017, the updated Public Assistance deliery model will be implemented on all future disaster declarations.

Public Assistance Application Process. Operational Planning. Applicant Briefing: • Briefing is scheduled and conducted by the State and Tribal governments • Apply for Public Assistance • Learn about the program FEMA/State/Tribal Program Delivery Manager: Your point of contact throughout the Public Assistance process. Within 7 days... Exploratory Call: • Introduction to your Program Delivery Manager • Get an initial sense of needs and damage • Identify who needs to be at Recovery Scoping Meeting Within 21 days... Recovery Scoping Meeting: • In-depth meeting to review damages • Gather documentation • Develop list of projects • Talk through your priorities Site Inspection(s) if necessary. Within 60 days... Intake Damage and Eligibility Analysis: • Disaster-related damages captured and documented. Scoping and costing: • Based on site visits and documentation • To be reviewed for eligibility Final review and sign-off. Quality assurance reviews for accuracy. Project acceptance by applicant. Receive funding.

Các Cam kết Tài trợ

Hỗ trợ Công cộng Số tiền
Emergency Work (Categories A-B) - Dollars Obligated $2,509,492.93
Permanent Work (Categories C-G) - Dollars Obligated $60,558,935.08
Tổng Số Tiền Trợ cấp Công cộng đã Cam kết $66,595,216.18
Hỗ trợ Giảm thiểu Nguy cơ Số tiền
Chương trình Trợ cấp Giảm thiểu Nguy cơ (HMGP) - Số tiền Đã Cam kết $13,600,441.95